We sailed on 2/17/02. There... by JeannineS1
Ship: Celebrity Millennium
We sailed on 2/17/02. There were six of us, ranging in ages from 20 to 56. We had sailed on the Infinity in Alaska last September and that was our benchmark for Celebrity ships. While I gave the Infinity 5 stars, I only gave 4 for the Millennium. The ship was, of course, wonderful, and our category 1B and Category 8 were very nice, but the differences in ships did show. Infinity had the best waiter and assistant waiter we have ever had, while the Millennium's waiter was indifferent, at best. The assistant waiter was good. I thought the food on both ships was very good. The desserts were disappointing, except for the creme broulee that was served the first night (best I have ever had anywhere land or sea). The Olympic restaurant was also excellant. The room stewardess was excellant and was given an extra gratuity in appreciation. She gave us a good tip the day before we disembarked: higher category cabins leave first, lower category cabins leave ship later. She told us to go to the purser's desk and get the same color tags for the folks in the category 8 so we could all leave together. That is probably the best tip that I gleaned from this cruise. I have sailed Celebrity twice now and it is a very refined cruise experience. Having sailed with Royal Caribbean, I feel that it is a little more fun-filled than Celebrity, without having a Carnival type atmosphere. The others agreed with me and so we have booked a September cruise on the Explorer of the Seas. You will have an enjoyable cruise on this ship. The time in ports are ridiculously short, which was the biggest complaint the others and I had.