Remember topic

Cracker Jack had GOOD prizes ?

Jelly jars had cartoon characters on them ?

You would get your mom to buy cereal you didn't like, because you wanted the license plate that was inside ?

A little baking soda would make the submarine dive and surface in the tub ?

You could get someone on the playground to swallow a whole packet of Pop Rocks?

You would leave a layer of skin on the hot metal slide ?

Seatbelts only went either around your lap, or under the seat ?

Boontonware was in everyone's kitchen ? Google it

You would look through the Green / Plaid Stamp catalogue hoping you had enough ?

7-11 was only open from 7 til 11? And we would comment on how no one could possible need something at 10:30 at night.

Blue Laws ( New Jersey still has them in some areas )

Radios with only AM dials

78 rpm records

You had to bring vacuum tubes to the store and test them yourself to see which one needed replacing.

You WERE the remote control for the tv ? And it only had 7 channels ( not counting UHF )

Charles Chips delivered those cans full of snacks ? ( possibly a Jersey thing )

Seltzer came in coloured glass bottles, with nozzles.

carry on

69 Answers

My mom had one of those and no matter how she tried, the wringers always mangled the plastic tabs in my dad's white dress shirt collars. Remember those tabs that were to keep collars nice and flat! I think Don Cherry still has them in his collars.

Here we go.....remember when research was done in a real library with books because there was no internet ???? The Encyclopedia and reference books.

We still have a few of the full service stations.

It cost a bit more per litre of gas, but some still go there because of the service.

What about a "Service Station" ??? when you sat in your car and they put in the gas for you, washed the windows, checked the oil and air in the tires ?

The Penny bins of candy at 7/11 ?

Adjusting the TV's bunny ears to get a clear picture ?

I have a super 8 movie projector and screen at home. For the old home movies.....

It really is wonderful how the whole world has changed since the 1966 debut of Star Trek---What did Gene Rodenberry know.....

I hate antique shops. Most of the stuff I remember having, and even remember a lot of the stuff being brand new.

No, but I saw one of those machines in ( of all places) an antique shop....

Clothes washers with the two wringing rollers that only a cartoon character was able to fit into and come out flat. Fingers didn't work in them.

Red Ball Jets Gym shoes made think you could run faster, jump higher

G.I. Joe Actions figures were action figures

Oh yes, remember when 8 track tapes were the big thing.

I bet you didn't get it from a metal cooler that you dropped your money into and then slid/rattled the bottle along the track until you could pull it out nice and cold, dripping with cold water it had been sitting in.

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