Health Form Questionaire

How many are willing to admit they fib, (or think about how many passenger's do you think have lied) and just put straight no's because they know they will be denied, or need to see the doctor to be cleared, if they put a yes.

Tags: Health Form Check In

21 Answers

Fortunately, I have never had to lie. I have never even had a cold right before a cruise.

We’ve never lied on the form, but I have no doubt that many, many people have…

True or not, this is awesome. I will be looking for any opportunity to do something similar in the future!

I have never really given it much thought. We have been fortunate enough to be able to answer with truthful no all the way down. Never thought about others not telling the truth. Man I must be getting naive in my old age. And here I thought I was just getting cynical.

You would like the hand washing stations on the Regal Princess as you enter the eating area on the Lido Deck.

My answer to the health questions is the same to a kid asking for money, NO NO NO.

Straight "nos," but honestly. It's too hard to hide those symptoms they ask about.

Absolutely not. It is because fellow passengers lied about their health status that some of these virus issues have erupted. We were on a 28 days voyage. Within the first couple days at sea, we noticed more and more people coughing each day. We had not arrived to our first port yet so it was clear someone got onboard with the bug. By the time we were on our way home, hundreds of people on the ship were coughing and the OTC cold meds had sold out at the gift shop.
Being responsible for making hundreds of other people sick is not something we care to have on my conscience... regardless of the fact that it would mean cancelling our own cruise.

As a way to avoid getting sick prior to vacations, we balance our eat and rest, are ultra-observant of hand washing, and we take multi-vitamins and vitamin C. Also, we stay away from friends and family who are sick and avoid places like movie theaters, shopping malls, and the like. These are petri dishes of virus and bacteria. I feel for anyone with children because they are germ gateways between school and home. Is our approach perfect? Nope but we do our best.

On a related note, it is safe to say that there are way more people who do not hand wash properly than do. Those little disinfectant stations do not take the place of good soap and warm water hand washing technique. Can't tell you how many people (men and women) we have seen exit the bathroom stall and head straight out the door without washing their hands. It is the biggest gross out on cruise ships today. This is a major transmission prevention failure.

I figured this would backfire on me. You can find me on Carnival Magic or Valor next summer in June. Nervous

I was in line once to check in for a cruise. I must have dropped the form, because a nice gentleman handed it back to me. When I got to the counter, I discovered he had changed a lot of my "no" answers to "yes". I had a hard time explaining to the doctor why I stated I was deathly ill. If I ever find out who did that to me ... AngryAngry

(Big Smile)

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