Nude beach excursion

Has anyone tried the Nude beach resort excursion while in Jamaica ? Was there sufficient time and was it worth it ? Going on January 12 - 20

Epic Cruise and was curious.

Tags: Jamaica Falmouth

17 Answers

True, the top of your feet really hurt if you forget the sunscreen.

I know that all y\of you will be there -- you just don't want to admit it on the forum!

Make sure you take plenty of sun screen -- there are certain bits that you really don't want to get sunburned!

Downy Wrinkle Release doesn't work either, so don't waste your money and don't ask how I know Big Smile

Nope, not me.

Not me but let us know! Thanks

Sorry, I can't go. My birthday suit has too many wrinkles. Tried but can't get them out.

Please take and post pictures.


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