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284 Istanbul, Turkey Port Reviews

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by ChrisG7

I had high expectations for Istanbul, and they were met. The city is enormous and full of interesting history. We visited a lot of sights and my only complaint was that the "all day" tours weren't available for english speaking guests. With only a half day, I didn't get to see everything I wanted, but was impressed with what I had time for.

Visited: Aug 01, 2010

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by Milln

Only enough time to know that more is needed. Great food and beautiful array of historic sties to visit. Some people love the bazaar. Learned about rugs under some duress. Coming away empty handed feels like a victory.

Visited: Apr 17, 2011

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by MattT2

Couldve been better hallf the sites were closed one day and the other half closed the other day but no one told us about this so we didnt plan accordingly and missed some stuff. plan to spend at least half a day or more at the grand bazaar. Maybe take in a turkish bath, awkward at first but its an experience.

Visited: Apr 18, 2011

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