What questions do you have about the cruise industry resuming?

If you were sitting down with a cruise line executive, what questions would you want to ask them about cruising resuming? Let us know in the comments!

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15 Answers

Yes but stupid can win a Darwin award and eliminate his / hers particular stupid from the gene pool.

I agree...they're trying to avoid liability because the stats say seniors with those good ol "underlying conditions" are more likely to die. I think its blatant age discrimination as well....said so in another thread someplace.....how about the young things who refuse to wear a mask or practice social distancing? Or people who organize "events" with no regard to the "new reality"...You can't fix stupid...

I’ve noticed some of the early health protocols guidelines/requirements are focused on seniors 70 years or older. I would like to know why? Is this age discrimination? Why should they be treated any differently than a 55 or 65 year old. You can have serious health issues at any age. If you’re willing to take the risk to sail, then you should be treated the same as any other passengers.


Can I take some Guy’s Burgers home in my luggage to make up for the ones I missed during shutdown?

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Great list...great questions...EACH AND EVERY ONE..I just don't expect ANY answers unless and until their so-called" plans" have been blessed by an assortment of bureaucrats. That way at least they can blame somebody else for the rules..up to and including passengers who cheat.. and as far as I'm concerned, interviewing the poohbahs is a waste of time. I'd want to see those "rules" and "adjustments" in writing on each website.

I have a few:

1.) Could you keep us more in the loop of what's happening? Some people are confused as to what the holdup is.

2.) What precautions are you willing to take to ensure my safety?

3.) Would masks be required for all passengers, and if so, under what circumstances should we wear them?

4.) There have been rumors about temperature checks, could you shed some light on that?

5.) What will Embarkation Day look like? What about requirements to get on/off the ship at various ports?

6.) Are you keeping the buffets or no? If you are keeping the buffets, will they be like the ones you sometimes see in the malls where a staff member puts the food on your plate?

7.) Will we need to self-quarantine for two weeks once the cruise is over?

8.) How many passengers will you allow on each cruise and what are you plans to make sure everyone is honoring Social Distancing?

9.) If there is a case of COVID onboard the ship, what are your policies to make sure that it doesn't spread to other passengers? What kind of treatment plan do you have for that person with COVID?

Well ranted on FB. But short version is we really don't have visibility if the industry is collaborating with the gov'ts or is it sitting on its hands and awaiting an edict. I hope the later is not the case.

Believe they need to collaborate to come up with a plan with the health organizations of the gov'ts, lay out protocols, and TEST them on short trips. Start with 2-sea days, if they have a private island, add a day (or two) and run the protocols. Bring people back - adjust processes, monitor crew and previous passengers, and repeat. If everyone returns and is not sick in 14 days, then it was a success. If not, fix the processes.

Wellll.not quite "useless", but you're right...figure that would be me....IF they are sailing, and IF we go, and so on and so forth....

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