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14 Viking Gullveig Reviews

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Amazing Family Cruise by lgracey

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig

Our travel agent Ira made sure that our flight and transfer arrangements met our needs and that we got the best deal on our cruise.

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Disappointing customer service by DaveZurheide

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig

Excellent food and service onboard. Poor customer service exhibited at disembarkation and the final intended port (Budapest). A written two-page letter was sent to the President/CEO of Viking, but all we received was lip service, a small credit, and no formal written reply whatsoever... Viking is supposed to be a top-notch customer service organization - but it failed miserably. We will be cruising elsewhere going forward.

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Pleasant cruise by vfollette

Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/Friends
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

I wanted to love this cruise but it was just fair. There was not enough to do and the food could have been better. The staff was great and that was a plus.

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A Must Do Trip!! by SPeralta

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

This was an excellent cruise. Be prepared to relax and enjoy the quaint essence of each port.

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Overall disappointment that we did not get to sail. by cskjsk

Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/Friends
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

Disappointed we did not get to travel the waters. The staff and food were excellent as well as housekeeping.

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Not So Romantic Danube River Cruise by DBL

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

Very disappointing!!!! - While we know Viking can not control the water levels of the river, they could have notified us and offered to let us re-schedule at a later date. The river level has been a problem all summer. We spent a lot of money and only got one day on the river. Basically had a bus tour that was not enjoyable.

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Seven nights on the Danube. Seven wonderful shore experiences. by jskreiger

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

Most favorite cruise we have taken. Great ship, great tour guides, great excursions, great food.

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River cruise is a relaxing way to travel by rddarnell

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

The included excursions were pretty good for the most part.  The guides were kind of hit or miss and having a good one made all the difference.  Do a lot of research on your own on each destination before you go and have a game plan.  Use the underground in the big cities.  Cheap, clean and safe.  If the included excursion sounds like a clunker... take off on your own.

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Ship & Crew Great- River Cruise Bland. by Cruiser251

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

The services by the Crew were outstanding.  The Ship is very well laid out, easy to get around and the stateroom is compact but comfortable. The food was good and plentiful.

The docking facility at Amsterdam was awful. It is located in an industrial area with cargo ships with no view of the City. Also in more than one instance no view was possible because other ships were joined together along side at the dock. The river(s) we traveled were along industrial corrirdors and because of the flat topographic nature of the land and lack of a narrative we never knew where we were or what if any landmarks we should have been made aware of. One of our optional tours was entitled 'Tulips and Windmills' and a promotional photo showed the historical Windmill and Tulips. It turned out to be a tour of a tulip bulb producing farm with no flowers and the windmill was a modern wind turbine.  This itinerary was not up to the 2 previous scenic Viking cruises on the Danube or Rhine.  

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More bus tour than river cruise by telfordbanda

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: Europe

Our first Viking river cruise was disappointing.  Because of low water levels it became more of a bus tour than a river cruise.  We were able to stop at 3 of the 6 designated stops.  Further, stacking up ships next to each other totally negated our investment in a balcony room.  When we were docked we looked at the balcony of the ship next to us instead of the shore of the Danube. The personnel on board were excellent from the cabin stewart, waiter, piano player to the cruise director. No complaints there.




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I Would Never Do It Again by mrcdavenport

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

Flight Scheduling was Awful! Lost our Luggage & Viking was of no help getting it back! Too much time spent on hot busses to the tour sites and to the airport! The Ship wasn't prepared for injuries. No medical staff, dressings or help getting what was needed. We had to take a cab to a pharmacy. Entertainment consisted of one Show the night before we left. Tours were Great, but too much walking in the heat! The room, Shower & Balcony were cramped! Meals were OK and plentiful. Waiters, Stewards and Staff were very attentive. I did not like their refund policy which required us to spend the refund on the ship or lose it. All in All, I didn't get my money's worth as compared to other cruises I have taken.

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Horrible Experience. Turned out to be a Bus Tour. by sandraleadawson

Sail date: / Traveled as: Family (older children)
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

Disaster. Sat in the Nuremberg port for 4 nights. Nothing within walking distance. Loud ugly industrial park. Do not do this cruise, it is a bus tour.

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Viking Danube River Cruise (Nuremburg to Budapest)- A Disaster… by larryis1

Sail date: / Traveled as: Large Group
Ship: Viking Gullveig / Destination: River Cruises - Europe

On November 10, 2018 we concluded what we consider to be the worse cruise we have ever taken This cruise did not conform to what was sold to us in the Viking advertising and agreement. This was a bus trip with overnight stays at floating hotels, minimal river views, missed excursions due to significant time wasted in bus travel, and blocked views once on board due to Viking’s standard practice of double docking. Only a few days before departure did Viking disclose that our cruise could be impacted by low Danube water levels. However, evidence obtained once on board the Egil, Gullveig, and the Bragi from Viking employees and leaders clearly indicated that Viking leadership knew of adverse river conditions going back at least to July 2018 and never shared this information with us or others. A cruise line that is ethical and committed to business integrity values would have shared such impactful information with booked travelers and offered either to reschedule, or cancel with a full refund of monies paid. Clearly based upon our experience, Viking is NOT an ethical cruise line committed to business integrity values. We do not recommend Viking for ANY cruise, anywhere based upon this experience. Cruise details… 1. Our Danube River cruise was not a cruise experience; rather it was a bus/road trip where substantial vacation time was lost getting from point to point to arrive at the next floating hotel (i.e., VIKING ship Gullveig and then Bragi). Accordingly, many of the planned and promised cruise encounters were missed, including (but not limited) failure to see the Wachau Valley Austria, failure to dock in Pasau Germany proper (although many other similar sized ships were docked there as part of their on-going journey), and failure to cruise into glorious Budapest. In lieu thereof, we were forced into bus travel to move on to meet the next ship. This was not a river cruise by any shape of the imagination. 2. As a result of a late arrival, we could not participate in the rescheduled 4 pm excursion to the Gottweig Abbey as it would now be conducted after dark; we were concerned about safety. As it turned out one of our travelers had a serious fall and was injured due to the dark/unsafe conditions surrounding the exterior of the Abbey. 3. Instead of spending seven nights on the Gullveig as booked and unpacking once, we were on three ships for seven nights with multiple unpackings, repacking’s, and two four-hour bus trips each to meet the next floating hotel. Also, instead of docking in Passau, we docked in the remote village of Staubing and had to travel to Passau by bus for more than 90 minutes with a similar return trip (again more lost vacation time – more stress). Also, more time was wasted waiting on the bus as the Gullveig was late arriving into Vienna. 4. Even with the limited time on board the ships, our French Balcony view was fully obstructed frequently due to VIKING ship double docking where all we could see was another ship flush against our balcony within 12 inches. This created a dismal feeling of being imprisoned and clearly precluded river and shore views. 5. We had clearly communicated to VIKING and again aboard ship that I had dietary restrictions, not withstanding this prior communication staff continued to provide me with normal/undesirable meals. 6. Interviews with staff and employees of all three ships clearly revealed that the river conditions that VIKING sighted as the basis for non-performance were known by VIKING senior leadership at least as far back as July 2018. 7. VIKING knew that they could not provide the cruise experience they promised yet continued to operate in gross disregard to known conditions. VIKING leadership knew that it did not have or was unlikely to secure local governmental authority to pass through needed river locks to continue the journey it had offered to its’ customers. Yet it continued in gross disregard to this prior knowledge. Also, VIKING on board ship senior leadership boasted to passengers in an open meeting that there was no need to worry about “ship swaps” as it had perfected the “famous ship swap process” over many months. Another example demonstrating significant advance prior knowledge of the operational problem, and failure to inform booked passengers early on to afford a cancellation opportunity. 8. Instead of this vacation being a pleasant stress relieving experience, it caused significant stress and was a source of constant anxiety. As noted above, there was a significant gap between what was offered/promised by VIKING and what was provided. Overall this was a bus excursion road trip at best, certainly not a river cruise. It was totally stressful, and fully lacked the relaxing experience one would expect from being on a river cruise. We do NOT recommend Viking to anyone for any cruise based upon this experience and their lack of ethics and business integrity.

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First and last Viking cruise by pmalter0

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Gullveig

I have been on many cruises; but this is the only one that did not offer Arabica coffee. Moreover, I felt personally insulted to pay $350 extra to get a wine list that featured only under $10/bottle wines--how stupid do they think their guests are?

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