439 Ovation of the Seas Tips


Nov 30, 2019

All the shows are worth taking the time to see- her to your location early to grab some great seats!! You don’t want to be in the back of any theater or not got in due to reaching capacity.

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Dec 06, 2019

I didn’t realise there would be so many kids running up and down the corridor so be prepared. Also in house movies are not free

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Dec 06, 2019

Take your own coffee and pack a first aid kit, a visit to the doctors is very costly for a dab of antiseptic and a bandaid

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Dec 08, 2019

My only tip is to look around and get a feel of the ship before you sail so u know where everything is Then enjoy

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Jan 15, 2020

Pay close attention to deals and specials prior to the sailing. Generally speaking, the more you book upfront the cheaper it will be. The ship had engine trouble on the second to last day and ended up getting pretty rocky. They provided Sea sickness bags, but I always travel with ginger so it didn't affect me too bad.

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Jan 25, 2020

Do the full online check-in prior to your cruise (including uploading your photo). We did this and had "Expedited Arrival" on our SetSail passes. This meant we were able to skip the normal queue and get onboard really quickly.

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Sep 17, 2022

Take more summer clothes than you’d think going on an Alaska cruise. Keep in mind you’re more on and in the ship than outside. The ship is kept comfortable 72°-75°or warmer. So I wore shorts and short sleeved clothing more often than not. Adult solarium was kept at least at 75° unless someone left the windows open, which they did, but then staff would close them up and the temperature would get back to 75°-80°. There were off spots throughout the ship where it would be very hot. No one seemed to know what to do about that.

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