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72 La Baie, Quebec Port Reviews

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by GenieCruiser

Had a fabulous tour here with wonderful guide named Linda. She had beautiful English with a lovely French accent. First stop was the Musee du Fjord, an aquarium and museum about the Saguenay Fjord. Our second stop was a goat farm where they explained the difference between wool and mohair. They shear the goats twice a year and produce and hand dye yarn. The last stop was a very interesting museum of a local artist, Arthur Villeneuve. His paintings are rather primitive in style, but the most interesting thing was his entire house is housed in the museum (a large building that was a former pulpwood business) and the walls and ceilings of his house are entirely covered in paintings of the city and area. He worked with oil paint and then shellacked the paintings. No photos allowed inside. There was a lot of fall color here on Oct 5.

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