give it time.....


22 Answers

I don't know how you came to that conclusion...clearly, most, if not all of the people who "post" regularly here resent the loss of entertainment "the way it used to be" and would agree with you about it being a "diminished product"...some might accept it the way it is. Free choice..some don't care about the shows one way or another... while its not a deal breaker for us, the fact we have built many a days evening activities around showtimes...I have seen production numbers that rival some Broadway shows, given space and personnel constraints and have indeed seen some of them more than once.. I have posted MANY times about the "pay more provide less" attitude the cruise lines have adopted...not just shows, but virtually everywhere...this is the FIRST time in years we havent booked as far in advance as the cruiselines schedules allow. 5 more till spring 24...beyond that who knows...just how long we intend to subsidize that "diminished product" as you so eloquently put it, and pay MORE for the privilege is on the table for us...front and center...the subject has come up between me and my wife several times...sadly...

Personally I have loved every show I've seen and I've seen a few more than once. I think one aspect of this I haven't seen mentioned in this thread is the effect on new clientele versus very avid cruisers. I imagine those that post regularly here all have cruised many times and seen many shows multiple times. For them the loss of entertainment is trivial. But using myself as an example, I've been on I think 7cruises. On my upcoming cruise I have talked some family into going on their first. I've told them everything I can think of about cruising, with one thing being the wonderful entertainment. They will probably not be cruising every year afterwards bit maybe every 2 years and I am sure they would look forward to the entertainment each time.

I see cutting entertainment as a great loss and the result being a very diminished product.

So will I.......once upon a time I owned a bunch of GM...sold it all except for 100 shares ...just because...(thats no way to invest...or even play for that matter...) we know what happened there....

I'll take the gamble...Big Smile

Main reason for not telling Passengers the Scheduled Entertainment.

No insurance will compensate for cancelation of Entertainment.

In Hollywood Fl they have a building with replicas of the ships stages for the dancers to rehearse New Shows.

Helps avoid Choreographers & Directors from having to Board Ships for weeks.

OUTSTANDING! GOOD EYES!! that was it..now then...d'you believe them? I mean, how do you translate that into anything that matters in the real world? Because, if you think a bankruptcy may be likely, and given they've pledged ships as collateral, why would you give a cruise line your money, sometimes way in advance? They file, its gone...the common is wiped, vendors, employees and in some instances, even bondholders would get screwed...

I did find this:


Places NCL's probability of Bankruptcy at 53%

Meanwhile the same site places RCI at 26%, and CCL at 46%

Somewhere recently I read some article that tried to rank the big lines in order of the most likely to file bankruptcy...I could be wrong, because I can't find the thing and put it up as link, but I seem to remember the first wasn't CCL...it was NCL....don't remember the particulars, because predicting something like that is total voodoo...so I didn't pay much attention..

NCL really seems that they may be in trouble. They're doing alot to piss in their crews cheerios, in the name of saving money. Cutting Shoreside staff, restricting officers and crew with less than 2-stripe equivalency from mingling with the guests, and using guest facilities on their off-time, now cutting entertainment...

Well, just got off the Carnival Vista (B2B). The shows were crowded. The comedy club very crowded with a few folks turned away. We skipped the shows as we've seen them many times and the noise was too loud (for our tender ears that have trouble enough). Just a bit of observation from the last two weeks.

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