This is the start???

What do you think? Is this the start of the new cruise requirements? May have to copy and paste the following link to read this article.

59 Answers

Please let us know what you find out. We're not scheduled for our first shot for another couple of weeks.

Well, I'm in total agreement with you if you believe the gov't will be handling it "in house". Although both HHS and DHS will likely make the pitch for controlling "oversite" of the data, the gov't would have it's best chance for accuracy by handing it off to Google or Amazon, or one of the other mega data crunching tech giants. That's got to be worth a couple $B contract. They'd figure out how to do it. Hell, they know who I am and how much toilet paper & cereal I buy every month.

The app is already out there, probably developed in Europe, or China. If so, maybe we (as in USA) could swallow our pride (for once) and ask someone over there how it's done.

Interesting...and where is that info supposed to come from? there will be millions of "injectees" looking for that you seriously believe there is (or will be) a central clearing house which "knows" who got what shots and when? please...."they (whoever you chose to believe is in charge of this) can't even keep accurate, believable counts, let alone exactly who you are.

I hope that it will be easy to upload. Believe me, I will be looking into this after my second dose!!!


Image result for vaccination qr code on cell phone

I was responding to CruiseQueenNH's wondering how the lines are going to efficiently handle the passengers providing "proof of vaccination" during embarkation. I don't think it's going to be endless lines of people showing their vaccination cards, or having a special stamp on their passports (except maybe at first).

I'm confident someone is already developing and/or testing a cell phone app that will have an encrypted QR code assigned to vaccination recipients. It will be scanned at the embarkation station and you will be on you way. That will take care of about 99% of cruisers. The rest will have to have to bring the cards or stamped passports.

ABLEMAN got the usual email that you posted...its not here...happened to me a couple of times already today. please repost it if you can. seems to be a recurring glitch....

Most certainly.

What I like is how you've managed to retain your sanity AND a sense of humor through all this, given your job...

Ultimately, I think that vaccines will be required to do many things that we take for granted, including cruising, in the long run.

In the short run, I think a negative test will have to suffice, along with masks. Right now, there seems to be a lot of people that want the vaccine without any means to get it. So until the vaccine is more widely available, if they want to resume cruising soon, they may have to require masks and tests.

How they're going to prove vaccination at the terminals may be a nightmare. However, I have heard that they may require proof of vaccination on your license and passport, so that may help. Right now, they may have to settle for copies of the card that you get at the vaccination appointment.

In either case, I am good: I work in healthcare and get tested every week, plus I was able to get my vaccine through work. I've been tested so many times (just got the results back for number 36), that if they require Binex or PCR tests at the terminal, I can be like "hold my luggage! *self administers test* There you go!" Happy

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