Test Cruises

Does anyone know? Does each ship or just the cruise lines have to perform the test cruises?

Tags: Royal Caribbean

17 Answers

AUNTIE....kind of curious what hubby might think of these shenanigans.....

GOTCHA!!! Now I have sumpin to play with while watching this afternoon's NASCAR, instead of the usual "waiting for the wrecks" nap....THANX!!!!.........Well now I am REALLY curious...couldn't wait, so looked up her bio...look...not to be insulting or leap to a conclusion based on well...nothing...but...no matter her alleged competence in her field.....well....she seems like a complete NOBODY...she's not even the "ranking" person in her dept...(and that's another curiosity i'm gonna explore...that rank thang)....who told HER to create that "letter", and go public with it??? That bus driver mystery continuuuues....and now, learn sumpin every day...the USPHS AND NOAA are in fact non-military branches of the US GOVT...not trained in arms, but they do carry military rank, salute each other, and are entitled to full veterans benefits....who knew???

What did I opine elsewhere?? that nobody wants to be "that person" that grants permission to sail? so they found someone "expendable" who was willing to be the signatory?? I find it hard to believe she actually WROTE the thing...its almost a complete change in policy....I know YOU'VE read "her" actual letter....Corporate politics have NOTHING on the FED....amateurs vs professionals apparently...CRUISE ON!!

Oh Yeah, Aimee Treffiletti was the spokesperson, or at least the person put in front. I found her job profile on the CDC website. She seems more to be a scientist or technician than a "spokesperson". However, she is the head of the "Vessel Sanitation Program" for the CDC, so it would stand to reason that she would be the face of the CDC regarding this subject. Here's a link to her job profile (I think it's on page 3)


She also has a rank of "Commander" or "Captain" (depending upon where one sources) in the US Public Health Service. I had no idea the PHS had military rankings.

She clearly seems to have street cred when it comes to the topic of sanitizing ships. Here's an article where she's cited. https://www.neoshodailynews.com/news/20200427/how-is-cruise-ship-sanitized-after-coronavirus-outbreak

You had found the bio of the woman who dared to buck the system...even to her peril....being lazy, I hope you can remember it..i'd like to look her up......well....not literally.............

Hmmmmmm........ can't quite remember what my point was about.

It's a shame really. Whatever it was, I'm sure I was keenly preceptive, intelligent, and on point, for my profound eloquence is only surpassed by my unending modesty.

I'll bang it out again if I remember, thanks.

ABLEMAN...got the usual email noti you posted...something about the head of the sub agency that DARED to go out on a limb...etc etc...but...it failed to post...glitch...happens occasionally in here....looked interesting...fire it up again if you've a mind.....

BUT....upon reflection....why look a surprise gift horse in the....whatever......

Yeh well............nice to "assume" the creators of this latest thought of that....on the other hand, there's always "the law of unintended consequences"....and it has my vote....and while we're at it....here we go again with PROVING you got jabbed!....what d'you do with those thousands of online bookings already made?....(assuming they change the booking process to include questions re vaccinations)...don't tell me they expect 2,350,727 cruisers (nice # eh?) to start retro uploading shot cards....so you show up at the terminal with no proof? and?? that ranks s/a shot cards right up there with passports doesn't it?? except they're NOT, not hardly... it goes on and on and on...either way...I trust the new "bus driver"....WHY???? Because somebody in the White House who outranks the head of the CDC told said CDC head honcho thanks but no thanks...we want to be heroes and announce we beat COVID... so STFU!!...and while you're sitting around with nothing to do, here's a mop to try to sop up all that paint on the floor...y'know the paint you used to paint yourself into a corner...

That means if you have 3,000 passengers, only 150 can board w/o a vaccination. So at this moment that means barely anyone under the age of 16 will be able to go. It's going to be choice between the kids, and the adults who can't get vaccinated for medical reasons. It will probably be first come first serve, but imagine if your schedule only allows you to sail a certain date on a certain ship with your wife and 2 children, but the cruise line only has [1] opening left for an un-vaccinated passenger.

I guess in that situation the kids will just have to flip a coin.

They (the State) can always carve out an exemption, citing some or another excuse. Or they could easily just state "hey, that's a Federal mandate.... go talk to them".

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