Sigh.. Decided to Rebook

Since this whole 5% exemption situation is so stressful and confusing, I decided to rebook our cruise for next Summer. Carnival sent another email form out on Friday asking for the exempt person's information, and that they wouldn't have the exemption list finalized until the week of June 21st... in the email the last box to check off stated: I have paid in full and understand if I am not chosen I will receive a full refund... So my little man's exemption wasn't a sure thing...and the way Murphy's Law runs in my life, we wouldn't make the list. Then our friends and family who were going to go with us would be penalized since it was after the cut-off date. Our cruise was made up of several FCC's so I was afraid of losing those too.

If he was chosen for the exemption list, he would have been tested several times and would also have to wear a mask the entire trip.. He was OK with the mask part, but I am not OK with the amount of testing he would have had to do.

Hoping next summer will be less stressful and maskless for the kiddos!!

Only 370 days to go!!

11 Answers

Hopefully by the time you all cruise that won't be a requirement. I think one test would have been OK but it sounds like it will be multiple and I am pretty sure a meltdown would ensue at some point. I really wanted to be able to go, but just didn't want to risk not being chosen and then everyone loses money because I waited to see if we got picked. He will be 7 by the time we go next year so I think he will enjoy the kids club a little more and not need to be attached to my hip the whole time. Well, I hope at least LOL

My niece will be in the same boat and she's fine with the testing and mask wearing. Grammy and I (Auntie) are both healthcare workers so she knows what's going on and what needs to happen in order to stay safe. With that said, I don't know how she'll do with the testing. She's never been tested before, and is kind of apprehensive about it.

Auntie, on the other hand, has been tested over 50 times, so it's "old hat" to me!

Not at all, and it being done to a 6-year-old will just make it that more craptastic!

We will sail eventually, until then I will just live vicariously through everyone else Happy

Masks and frequent test are not welcome on vacation.

Ah yes, patience. Although I am a man, I often pray the mother's prayer. "Lord, give me patience, LA NOW 5 - publication ƒ¢‚€‚” The Now Institute"

Thanks, everyone.. I really wanted to be selfish and just go but I know deep down it is really a better idea to wait. I have been patient since December 2019, what's another 369 days, right?

And a big thank you to Pinky, she referred me to her PVP last year, and he was great getting this all situated for me. Now I can focus on my getting in shape plan.. again, maybe. Big Smile

Who are you and what have you done with ABLEMAN??? altho I happen to agree with you...this is the year when alot of folks had to learn patience....whether they liked it or not.....

Although I mostly come across as jaded & cynical, I'm really one of those "everything happens for a reason" type of people. It was just not destined that you should go this year, and you decided not to fight it. You weighed everything rationally & logically, while still keeping compassion for your son's comfort, and came up with the correct decision for him and your family.

The best decisions are the ones where the head and the heart come to an agreement (or truce). They're never the easiest, and sometimes one of them has to be convinced or cajoled (usually the heart) but in the end, with time & upon reflection, the wisdom will shine through.

I predict that you will have a fabulous time next year, and your wait will be rewarded. God bless.

If I were in your shoes, I would do the same. The inconvenience by just wearing mask the entire trip is very reasonable to take some considerations. A wise decision indeed!

I think you made a wise decision. If I had younger children I was traveling with, I think I would wait.

Glad you were at least able to rebook your trip easily.

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