Royal Caribbean taking applications for Test Sailing Volunteers!

Announced this morning, Royal Caribbean will be taking applications for volunteers for their Return to Sail test sailings! No criteria for volunteers has been announced, however the application does ask for a Crown and Anchor Society number, so In my Opinion, they will be taking C&A membership first.

link to application:

link to Facebook Group:

good luck to all who apply

Tags: Royal Caribbean returntosail Crown&Anchor LoyaltoRoyal

15 Answers

I want to get a career something like this

True, but that doesn't mean they can do as they please and expect a free pass (THEIR ins carriers aren't living in a vacuum either y'know)....yeh some might think so, but i'd bet real money most MD's wouldn't touch one of those. Like I said, its just another attempt by the cruiselines to deflect liability WHEN theres an outbreak...or a death...Some might not care, just like there'll always be passengers or just plain members of the publc who j..u..s..t d..o..n'..t c..a..r..e......

I know my Professional Liability Insurance carrier when I was a Advanced EMT would have had a stroke over the way MD Release forms are worded. But then again, thats why Doc's carry Professional Liability and Malpractice policies...

Still a great post OPUS..although sometimes thin air has an advantage over FACEBOOK...Their volunteer sample might just tend to be a bit "skewed" don't you think??? And those MD notes?? I know there just might be one or two in here...wonder what they think of those??

The vaccines could be the turning point worldwide. Hopefully, they are as good as predicted. Thanks for sharing!

Well, I probably should have mentioned how I came to my estimates. Royal Caribbean has formed a Facebook group I mentioned in the first post. I based my estimate on this group, and those posting in it. I didnt just pull the numbers out of thin air.

Mr Bayley posted yesterday that over 100,000 people had applied. I'm not sure if that is 100,000 applications received, or if it is based on each applicant's application (ie: My cousin applied with 4 persons in a room, whereas I only applied for 2)

At this point, it is a waiting game, with both Pfizer and Moderna announcing vaccines in the 90-95% efficacy rate, with plans to apply for emergency approval by the end of the month. The end may be coming fast!

I like your response OPUS,...thoughtful good stuff..except your "feeling" about the percentages is just that...a feeling...I haven't got a clue how they're going to winnow that sample down...and whats the point anyway if you can't demonstrate and try out your safety procedures on anyone who wants to get onboard???...not just "cooperative, loyal types".. your categories are fine...except it isn't going to salvage anything for the cruise lines, ..just another dog n pony demo so they can try to start sailing again...they're desperate...there's no more $$ to borrow...want to buy a cruise VERY cheap?? AND, fwiw, you just know that no matter how they manipulate the so-called "sample",, there's going to be an outbreak can take THAT to the bank.....AND no matter how prepared they claim to be, or how efficiently they handle it, the negativity surrounding it will do more harm than your vaccination eventually, and a "shot card" to prove it....the rest is eye candy....

AND btw, i've read that "doctors note"...any MD who signs off on that is nuts. They're being put in the position of trytng to predict the your MD in a fit of charity, signs it so you can cruise,,you get the bug, its critical, you're never quite the same...or you die...and theyre you are (or your family is) waving that MD note around in a malpractice suit...looks like the cruise lines are doing what any good corporation does...shift the blame and protect themselves...

I’m not sure they expected that big of a response.

I have a feeling at least 25% are either people new to cruising, or that have never sailed with RCI. Another 25% are over 65, and/or have underlying medical issues that doctors won’t sign the medical release for. Another 15% are possibly not US Residents. And another 10% are expecting to bring their kids under 18. Leaving around 25%.

IMO, once they sort through the applications and organize them by Crown and Anchor Loyalty Status, they will be sending out a secondary Questionnaire, to try to find people who have real life experiences with the day to day fight with the pandemic. First Responders, hospital staff, code enforcement, etc. People who can use their real life experience to help the cruise line mould their policies and procedures to make an enjoyable and safe experience.

30,000 have volunteered so they have their pool to choose from.

No thanks.

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