Please remember before you book a Carnival Cruise it is known as the....

Carnival is known as the Family Fun Ship.... This means there will be children on board. No matter what time of the year!Because I know some folks that will pull the kids out of school to cruise. (My little angel is not so lucky. LOL!) To all parents: I know you are on vacation but we are also. So when your little angel is screaming at top of their lungs, running over people on the lido deck or jumping in the pool with a diaper on please take them elsewhere. Everyone else please have patience with the little ones, don't forget you was someone's little angel too. Keep Cruising!

Tags: kids cruise Carnival

16 Answers

Here is a short collection of quotes actually spoken to me by parents aboard various ships:

"Don't YOU tell me how to handle my kid!" "Hey, if you don't like kids, try another ship." "That's my kid's towel on that lounge chair. Get the hell out of here." "What do you mean I should teach my kid manners? Who gives a fuck?" "Yeah, that's my kid lying across the stairs, isn't he cute?" "Why should I pay for child care when there's a whole crew watching everything?" "Those kid program leaders are just kids in charge of other kids." "Hey mister, that's my kid there. If anything happens come get me. I'll be in the casino." "Oh yeah, I've told her to stop sneezing while in the buffet line, but..."

As long as the other guy thinks he's more important than you are, expect inconsideration.

The one thing wrong with common sense is that it's not common enough.

Maybe Carnival could institute mandatory "school hours" from 8AM to 4PM......probably not...VBG!

I have traveled with children & I understand how hard it is to keep them quiet sometimes. I try not to be too critical when I see kids behaving. Most of the time the parents are on top of it. When it bothers me is when the parents aren't even trying to calm or quiet their kids down. I really feel for parents. who are doing their best.

If children are alone and misbehaving, I do speak to them in a polite way. It always works, at least for that time. Lots of times kids just forget and don't realize that they are annoying others.

As a former teacher maybe I am more tolerant than others might be - especially older people or people with disabilities. There is more at stake for them if a child bumps into them or is fooling around near them.

Thanks JP – now I want ice cream!Yummy

Kids can be a problem on any ship, and as said above, in the end, its not the kids, its the PARENTS that are the problem. My wife and I have been cruising since our kids were 5 and 7, and both are out of high school now, and we made sure to "parent" them. Which of course includes going with them to get ice cream at 3 in the know, so they don't have to go alone.........sure....LOL

Agreeing with the above. Parents may be on vacation but they should never be on vacation from parenting.

For those of you not traveling with children: I would never recommend sticking your foot out in front of a running child but, hypothetically, don’t you think an uninjured spill could be somewhat entertaining…Wink

I agree with the post and all the replies. The sad thing is that on my last 10 cruises, I have seen too many parents just cut their kids loose on the ship as soon as they boarded. And I'm not just talking teenagers. I have seen kids from 10 years up just running around, blocking stairs, entrances and elevators with no adult supervision to be found. And it is not the cruise lines responsibility to baby sit your kids. When asked to move so you can have access, all you get is a dirty look in return. The parents may have paid for their cruise and their kids, but they didn't pay for MINE!!!

October is also when many schools have fall break, particularly the first couple of weeks.

I really thought that cruising in October would provide us a respite from kids being on the cruise - based on your comments that must have been wishful thinking. Thanks for the tip regarding the serenity deck. Will definitely be looking out for that area.

Thank you for the balanced commentary on children on cruises. Parents need to be considerate of other cruisers and try to control their children. And, adults without children need to be mindful that kids will be kids and try to have some patience. Children that are old enough to know better need to mind their manners. That's what irks me the most about rude, rowdy, or inconsiderate children is when they are old enough to control themselves and should know better!

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