
Hi, this may sound silly but as first time cruiser, and sailing on the Splendor Singapore to Sydney will we feel too old...

we are young at heart but in the senior category ...will we look out of place...we love shows, eating and don’t mind a cocktail or two...

i love watching other people’s video’s but everyone seems so young...will my sister and I be the two elderly ladies having fun...

just a thought, not a problem...thank you all...

Tags: oldies but

11 Answers

My wife and I are in our Mid-30's, and some of the best fun we've had onboard has been talking, and drinking with the more...seasoned...travelers! On our last cruise, we sat next to a couple at dinner. He was 92, and she was 75. they were on their 70TH CRUISE! absolutely amazing to talk with them, and hear their experiences from across the world! after dinner, we sat with them in the Schooner bar until 1am, laughing and sharing stories.

Learned many tips and tricks to make our sailings go even smoother thanks to meeting individuals who have been around the bend a few times!

[thank you Johngold,

iwe will aim to have as much fun as you did...

dancing on tables is out, I guess...

do they have karaoke on ship...quote=Johngold]

Well, Monique and I are in our 60's. My sister is 68. On our last family cruise, with the kids as well..... we closed down the bars, and partied with other "seniors" long after the young pups called it a night. You will be fine. Enjoy yourselves. Meet new people, make close friends and if you want to--dance like no one is watching.


Well, Monique and I are in our 60's. My sister is 68. On our last family cruise, with the kids as well..... we closed down the bars, and partied with other "seniors" long after the young pups called it a night. You will be fine. Enjoy yourselves. Meet new people, make close friends and if you want to--dance like no one is watching.

Thank you all...as you all say, have fun and enjoy...I’m sure we will...

we are polar opposites so we often are doing different thing, she is chatty I sit back more and that helps us mix with different people....

We have always noticed a well mix of ages and have never felt out of place. We find ourselves talking to younger couples with little kids and older couples the age of our parents and age has never been a factor. On a cruise everyone is equal ... or most everyone ... there is always those that like looking at the sky (if you get my drift) but those are found everywhere and anywhere. Relax and enjoy the cruise. It will be awesome and that looks like a great itinerary.

Not even a little bit. Have a great time!

I have been from one of the youngest on a ship to being one of the old timers (I'm tail end of baby boomers, but I retired for 6 years ago) On the 3 night party cruise I was an old timer, on the 14 night transatlantic I was a youngster. I had fun on all of the cruises even when I was one of the older guest.

You will have a great time Big Smile

We started cruising later in life than some, but that sure hasn't stopped us. Since retirement we try to sail more often and we are usually on Carnival, which is noted for the young crowd it tends to draw. Even if (and it is somewhat unlikely) you are the two "old ladies" having fun on the ship, you"ll probably get bit by the cruising bug and start being the experienced one on the ships in the future.

Welcome to the wonderful world of cruising.

P.S. What Yankee47 said is so true.

You will enjoy yourselves. Enjoy at your leisure and there will no way you will feel out of place.

thank you Yankee47..looking forward to it so much...

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