
What do you think??? Read the "rules" carefully before responding please....devious so-and-sos....

17 Answers

I think this was also mentioned elsewhere in the thread annabellalee. You don't mind, really, if it was declared by the cruise line that the venue would eventually become a pay restaurant.

Thanks annabellalee

Your Friend,



I have a question for those who have sailed on the Mardi Gras unrelated to this post directly.

Are the new showers "larger boned human" friendly? A few of my family members going are no longer the size 6 they were in college lol

Related to this... I do remember wehn it first launched that they said it would eventually become a pay restaurant.

Thanks for sharing your opinion. Well thought out.

We've sailed twice on the Mardi Gras and eaten in both the Chibang and Cucina restaurants.

I believe that for the first year, they made those restaurants free of charge because they realized that the MDR was short-staffed and wouldn't be able to handle the volume. Now that staffing is up to speed, they're going to be charging for these venues, as was the original plan. I believe Guy's Pig & Anchor was also intended to be an extra charge for dinner as well.

To be honest, I wouldn't pay an extra fee to eat in either of these restaurants. At best, the food is perhaps a half-notch above that in the MDR, and the service wasn't even up to MDR standards. I'm always amazed that some cruise lines consider their Italian venues to be "specialty dining" (e.g. extra fee), when most of the menu items are made from the cheaper ingredients, and require the least amount of prep time compared to the MDR.

One of the things that keeps us coming back to Carnival as opposed to other lines is the variety of dining options at no extra charge, especially on the larger ships. It looks like they'll be slowly losing that competitive advantage.

love this expression . It gave me a giggle.

Lynn is beautiful


Its owners...our turbaned friends...and their assorted wives and goats...which are interchangeable...

Battalion may be kind of light. I'm thinking more like a brigade, or perhaps even a division.

They've got a battalion of beancounters whose sole mission is to go over those ships endlessly looking for ways to "adjust" the experience...mebbe they have degrees in something that qualify them to analyze the lunacy involved in convincing people to actually like their cuts......especially on a CRUISE...a big ticket item that, at the risk of being blasphemous...isn't exactly life threatening if you don't do it...I say cut all this nonsense out. Advertise "cruising the way it ought to be"...and raise the stinking prices...make it "ALL INCLUSIVE" according to the statistics, people won't care about that either...their bookings are at an all time high...

NOTE: the camel has fleas, and its bringing its friends....

"Yessiree folks just step over here........ for I have a few questions. Ok, so you just finished your first dinner here at Shebangs, or whatever the hell we call this place. How did you you like your meal? Great you say? Well, I'm happy to hear that. Now listen, if you want to have that meal again, we're happy to accommodate you. For a measly $8 you can once again enjoy the sumptuous fare you had tonight here at Chittychittybangbangs, or whatever the hell we call this place.

In fact, you could eat here every night, for we offer volume discounts. Soooooooooooooo, lets say you come here every night for the rest of your seven day cruise. that would be 6 more times at $8 per person, per visit, which would come to only $96 extra to enjoy much better fare than is offered in that boring MDR. Tell you what, if you commit to to the next 6 nights, we will give you and the missus a discount in the form of a $10.00 drink coupon. Because that's how we roll here at Bang Bang Maxwell's Silver Hammer...................or whatever the hell we call this place.” Big Smile

Giggles are greatly appreciated.

LOLs are nice.

WTF? is an unknown term to me.

Insurance on a toaster oven is bizarre, at best.

I hate "pushing envelops" -- too many paper cuts on my nose.

I respect guys that wore green, and saw green smoke. And pray for those that saw red.

Bean counters stay awake all night. Sheep counters fall asleep nicely (so baaaaaaad).

And YES, more tents stakes are STILL needed.

Gotta get dressed for dinner. A freebie tonight. Tomorrow ??? (another post)

And PLEASE, get that camel out of my tent !!!!!

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