How do you spot first time cruisers

How do you know when you see first time cruisers?

Do you introduce your self and help them with any specific information?

23 Answers

That was nice of you to help out.

On Carnival the newbies wear their blue card, and we ask if this is their first cruise or their first Carnival cruise. It is a great ice breaker and often we can help with directions or any questions they might have. This last sailing, there was a fellow with a blue card but it was his 5th Carnival cruise. I explained that he really needed to get that fixed because he won't have all of his sea days counted. It won't make much difference right now, but it will later. He seemed pleased we caught this error.

Usually by the, where in the he** is my room look. I ask if I can help and send them off in the opposite direction....JK!

Uh Oh we still wear outcasts, usually cuz I am so bad at losing stuff. Did I tell you about losing my cars key fob in Wal-Mart? 4 hours later we found it under an asile...

probably the best advice yet...

i don't pay attention. let everyone have their fun and enjoy their moments.

For some reason, they seem to find me! Ah, well, the more the merrier I guess!

Long before our first cruise, as I once mentioned, both wife and I worked competing casinos back of the house, management, but we both had the same ugly job.....we spent alot of time out on our respective casino floors, watching folks play. The ones who played slots almost always had one of those neck chain things allegedly to keep from losing em. It was universally agreed they always looked like they were donating blood. I can understand why some folks feel the need to wear em that way elsewhere. No pockets, or feel the need to show off their ", status". Either way, to us, it looks tacky, and I don't care how sexy it looked in the store. each his/her own. wear what you will..nobody cares anyway..but to us, its a dead giveaway.....on the other hand, watching folks "strolling", especially onboard, when 2/3 of the ship is "excursioning", and not wearing any ID, tells us they're experienced cruisers...and a smile or a nod almost always starts a conversation....

They wear their cards around their neck.

Yes, I will help because everyone need's little help to go for something they want to do either we do..

Try to use cash in the store (forget about the sea pass)

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