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111 MSC Splendida Reviews

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Good Cruise, Good Value by AdrianS1

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Western Mediterranean

A beautiful new ship, helpful staff, the balcony was well worth the expense, the food usually disapointed

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Nice ship but..... by Stever111

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Western Mediterranean

If you are prepared to pay extra for a good cup of coffee, real glass of juice or even bottled water, than this cruise is for you, The ship was beautiful, and service mostly attentive, but their "nickel and dime" attitudes really turned us off. The European crowds are pushy, loud and rude, so be prepared for this particular experience. They charged 20 Euros for one hour of horrific Internet service, and complaining fell on deaf ears. Their bottom line is this: Sucker you in with a low rate, and then charge for everything else. I would never go with MSC again...

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Sub Par At Best by MattyD12938099

Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/Friends
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Mediterranean

The ship was very nice. It was clean and the casino was very nice. However.. The cruise didnt allow for day time on the ship. If you wanted to get off at a port and have a good time, you would need to wake up very early and then rush to get back on the ship. By that time it was too cold to be outside so there weren't many things to do. The drinks were of course highly priced and the food had to be choked down. Every aspect of the food was laughable when i didn't want to cry. It was worse the worst food i ever tasted. We stopped going to dinner the 3rd night and would only eat when we were off the ship. Not to mention our friend got food posioning and had to suffer through that terrible experience. The ports were ok and Tunisa was a hell whole that should not be visited. There is no good reason for that place to be a stop. Everything on the ship closed early the water in the hot tubs were cold, everything was expensive, everything was regulated, even the cheap glasses in the cabin, nothing was free not even water, the but staff was alright but then started to get on my nerves by the end of the cruise, i felt harrased and not on vacation.

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An italian Cruise by MattT1

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Western Mediterranean

The ship was amazing and so was the crew and the food. Could not have asked for more. Had a great time and they where very accomidating to many languges, espeically english. But Be Warned. This is an italian cruise and most of the people on board are too. If you are ok with this going in and know how to deal with their very rude and pushy personallitys then you will be fine.

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An excellent cruise by AnjaMit

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida

Very nice cruise and nice destinations. The ship was very clean.

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Most Disappointment vacation i ever had by Cem91

Sail date: / Traveled as: Family (older children)
Ship: MSC Splendida

İn trieste when i am sleeping in my room msc workey hop on my balcony and start hammering rust on my balcony at 9:00 am at the morning i went to reseption and told them they said its normal its maintanance toilet flush sytem does not work 8:30 to 9:30 morning in 2/07/23 always crowd everyehere wait for elevators always very bad food and service no privacey on room

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If you have a family do not book MSC Cruises!!! They will split your family. by bmarotta

Sail date: / Traveled as: Family (young children)
Ship: MSC Splendida

If you have a family do not book MSC Cruises!!! They will split your family. That's what they did we us. We book 2 rooms with 6 months in advance, one in front of the other. 2 weeks before the departure we learned that they changed one of the rooms to 3 decks above. We called and emailed many times before the trip, but nothing helped. They claimed they couldn't do anything and we should try to sort it out when we embark. In the ship, we got the same unsympathetic treatment: the ship was full and there was nothing they could do. After 2 days insisting they advise us to find someone that would be willing to change room with us (?!?!?!?!). Worst of all, we talked with one of the room cleaning supervisor, and he claimed that it was a lie and there were still rooms available. So this is how we spent our vacations: walking 200m and 3 stairs many times a day to see each other and the kids must sleep separately. Their Kids Club is probably one of the worst we ever seen. They bring the kids to the theater to make (paid) photos and watch series and call this an activity. They serve only junk food (fries, nuggets and spaghetti) for all meals. Their claimed Basketball basket doesn't exist. Their disinfectant dispenser doesn't work and their swimming pool is freezing cold so that half of the ship was sick in the last days (we also got sick). So, if you have a family, don't want to be split, don't want to get sick and want a healthy Kids Club: DO NOT BOOK MSC.

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Albtraum by Horos

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Western Mediterranean

Erlebnisse mit der MSC SPLENDIDA Die Einschiffung auf die MSC Splendida erfolge gegen 19:30 Uhr, als uns um 22:30 Uhr immer noch ein Koffer fehlte, beschlossen wir unseren Gang abzulaufen, in der Hoffnung das dieser evtl. falsch abgestellt wurde. Da dieses Unterfangen keinen erfolg brachte, gingen wir zur Rezeption um diesen Umstand mitzuteilen. Dort waren dann bereits zwei weitere Familien, die das selbige Problem hatten. Man brachte uns in den „Laderaum“ wo sich die Koffer befanden. Diese wurden nochmals durchleuchtet und man teilte uns mit, dass wir eine Schere im Koffer hätten. Ja natürlich haben wir eine Schere dabei, um damit das Schiff in unsere Gewalt bringen zu wollen. Wieder einmal ein konstruiertes Problem bei MSC, welches auf Grund fehlender Kommunikation entstand. Wir nahmen unseren Koffer und konnten dann schlafen gehen, nachdem wir 19 Stunden auf den Beinen waren und kommenden Morgen einen Ausflug nach Petra hatten. In der Kabine schien eine Reinigungskraft tätig gewesen zu sein, welche Probleme mit den Augen hatte, es lag ein halmvoller Tablettenblister neben dem Bett und der Nachtschrank war sehr dreckig. Der Bus der uns nach Petra brachte, war in einem so widerlichen, dreckigen Zustand, dass man sich innerlich dagegen wehrte, dort Platz zu nehmen. Es waren insgesamt 27 volle Busse, die sich gleichzeitig auf den Weg nach Petra machten. Da muss man sich Fragen, ob der Koordinator der Ausflüge kognitiv voll bei der Sache war. Pro Bus waren es geschätzte 40 Personen, was in der Gesamtheit rund 1.000 geschichtshungrige Menschen ausmachte. Nun kann sich jeder selber ausmalen, wie sich diese Menge dann in Gänze darstellte, um etwas sehen zu wollen. Hätte man die Abfahrtzeiten nicht staffeln können? Hätte man dies nicht auf zwei Tage verteilen können? Und wieder zeigte sich der schlechte und undurchdachte Service bei MSC. Nach der Rückkehr zum Schiff, wurden wir auf Anweisung vom (vermutlich Kapitän) nicht aus den Bussen gelassen, da die Richtlinie ausgegeben wurde, entsprechend der Busnummern die Gäste rauszulassen. Man saß ewig in dem engen und dreckigen Gefährt und musste sich dann noch festhalten lassen. Am 14.12.2022 reisten wir in Saudi-Arabien ein, um unseren gebuchten Ausflug in Jeddah zu starten. Nachdem wir im Vorfeld zu unserem beantragtem Visum keine Rückmeldung erhielten, haben wir dies an Board mit vielen weiteren Passagieren erledigt. An der Rezeption teilte man uns diesbezüglich mit, dass die Beantragung ca. 10 Wochen im Voraus erfolgen muss, um rechtzeitig das Visum zu erhalten. Da wir eine Woche vor Reiseantritt darüber in Kenntnis gesetzt wurden, war eine frühere Beantragung nicht möglich. Das entsprechende Visum musste man sich danach im Terminal des Hafens abholen. Das dort erlebte ist kaum in Worte zu fassen. Bei der versuchten Rückkehr zum Schiff, wurde meine Frau, eine weitere Passagierin aus Spanien und ich, fast zwei Stunden in einer sehr kalten Halle von der Polizei festgehalten und daran gehindert, wieder zum Schiff zurück zukehren. Angeblich war kein Stempel und irgendein Zeichen erkennbar, obwohl dies im Vorfeld im Reisepass eingetragen war und mehrmals kontrolliert wurde. Wir wurden wie Verbrecher behandelt. Uns hat man mit dem nicht erklärbarem Problem allein gelassen, auch hat die Mitarbeiter von MSC welche vor Ort waren die Situation nicht interessiert. Wir waren danach nicht mehr in der Lage, den gebuchten Ausflug, zeitlich in Anspruch zu nehmen. Da meine Frau diese Festsetzung psychisch so mitgenommen hat, war Sie aus Angst nicht in der Lage, an den anderen gebuchten Ausflügen teilzunehmen, welche wir dann ebenfalls stornierten und das ausgestellte Visum nur einen Tag Gültigkeit besaß da ein Polizist die beiliegende Quittung vernichtete. Das Konsulat wurde bereits informiert. Laut Aussage von der Schiffsrezeption gibt es immer wieder Probleme in der Region und es beträfe einige Gäste. Somit war der Urlaub eigentlich gelaufen und am 18.12.2022 erfolgte der Rückflug, der allerdings auch wieder mit Problemen behaftet war. Denn es gab keine Bordkarten für den Flug, da laut Aussage des Servicepersonals, MSC keine Rückflüge gebucht hatte. Die betroffenen Touristen waren außer sich, der vor Ort eingesetzte Mitarbeiter von MSC hilflos überfordert. Nach gut einer Stunde Unsicherheit was nun weiter passieren würde, ging es dann doch noch nach Hause. Abschließen möchte ich noch über den Zustand des Schiffes einige Anmerkungen machen. Es ist sehr dreckig an vielen Stellen sind in den Ecken „Müllinseln“ die keinen einladenden Eindruck vermitteln. Weiterhin gab es etliche Gäste, die mit Ihren Fingern im Essen am Buffett rumstocherten und kosteten. Auch das wurde vom Personal geduldet, was unverständlich ist. MSC … viel Vergnügen PS: Die Reise fand vom 11.12 - 18.12.2022 statt. Ägypten - Jordanien - Saudi Arabien Die Reise ist in der Maske nicht verfügbar

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Fantastic Cruise by GraGill

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida

Fantastic cruise but food not great and disembarking and re-embarking at ports of call were badly organised and slow, this would not however stop me from sailing with MSC as everything else was first class.

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wonderfull dubai by jjbj

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Other (Asia/Africa/Middle East)

also again a fantastic trip in oman and muscat go to see the dolphins!

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Great getaway to banish winter blues by Firstbutnotlast

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: MSC Splendida / Destination: Europe - Western Mediterranean

A first experience for us on this cruise from Marseille - beautiful sunny day to start our journey, and the first view of this huge ship was amazing.   It's a good 8+ Km from the town to the port, so you need transport, we arranged a taxi through the Ibis hotel.   Our cabin was lovely - up on the 13th deck with a decent balcony, and no problem with noise either from above, corridors, adjacent cabins.   Although the ship can take over 4,000 guests, it only had about 3,200 for our cruise round the Med, and very few children - most of which were under 5, and kept very busy with the Club Staff.  Our first stop was Barcelona where we had a walking tour (I'd organized with Runner Bean Tours) which was excellent. Then we had a day at sea - on reflection wish this had been day 4 or 5 rather than day 3 as the schedule is quite full-on and if you're going on the cruise-arranged trips you have to be up, washed, dressed, breakfasted and ready in the meeting area soon after 8.00 a.m. each morning.   Day 4 we arrived at La Goulette for Tunis and saw our only heavy rain.  We were all given blue plastic ponchos (made us look like a parade of Smurfs) to get from the boat to the coach.   Lots of street sellers, very pushy - not my scene round the souks, but the buildings and decoration were beautiful.  Only a very cursory visit to Carthage, which was a disappointment.   Day 5 saw us arrive at Palermo, Sicily.  Lovely sunny, cold morning, but unfortuately for me, I started to experience vertigo, though I wouldn't have said we'd had rough seas.   Didn't help that we wound our way up the mountain for better views, and that the visit to the beach was curtailed as the access was closed.   My husband made the trip to Rome alone, as I didn't feel able to make the 1+1/2 hour trip each way from the boat.    Don't think he was that impressed, but took lots of photos/video!

I was feeling a bit better by day 7 when we reached Genoa - a lovely city and accessible easily from the port.   Our walking tour was very good and was timed so that we could go into the cathedral.   On the boat, all the staff were friendly, polite, smiling and helpful.   Food was plentiful (though there were some amazingly greedy passengers) and the amount of waste was astounding.   The choice of food available at evening dinner in the restaurant was amazing, with up to seven courses offered.   We opted for 3 most nights, and had also taken the drinks package, which proved good value, even though I didn't have any alcohol for 2 days.   The buffet was well organized, and there was generally enough space for everyone, though I imagine it could be a bit hectic when the boat is at full capacity with a lot of children.    Piano bars/lounges were comfortable with music to suit all tastes and always somewhere to sit - only slight disappointment was the lack of talks, and rather uninspiring "shows".    All in all, very good value for money.

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