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453 Gibraltar (U.K.) Port Reviews

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by gufe710

The cabs are easier than the tram to the top. NO cab can "just bring you up and drop you off" - it's a one way street all the way up and down. Hiking it isn't for the faint of heart. It's a huge climb

Visited: Jun 24, 2017

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by mcrossan

Done a tour (self organised) up the rock, saw the no lies & had a wander through the town


by snowbirdstwo

Great excursion to the top of the Rock by cable car. Beautiful views of the port, and Morrocco! Seeing the Strait of Gilbraltar between the southernmost tip of Spain and Morrocco was breathtaking. At the top were the Barbary monkeys waiting to have their photo taken.

Visited: Sep 17, 2017

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