Got I asked....Reviews are "verified" when booked thru certain cruise agencies affiliated with this site. Upon return, cruisers get an email from them so they can post a "verified" review, based on their booking #. The implication is that unless its verified, anyone can log in HERE, and post a review of a cruise they never actually sailed on, let alone even booked. Which again is why, after all these years in here, I look for reviews by NICs I've learned to trust, verified or not. I usually do read several from anyone who cares enough to bang the keys, for ships and upcoming cruises I'm interested in or booked on. Then it becomes just a question of how accurate my guts tell me they are.

We've had this discussion....sometimes some of the reviews are so "far out" you wonder if they cruised on the same ship. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder I guess.

19 Answers

Since my wife declared the mission to cruise on every ship in the Royal Caribbean inventory, its pointless to even read the reviews.

Most of the time, i find the reviews to be rather trite, with alot of complaints about little things, while major aspects of the cruise were glossed over. No, Karen/Kyle, I dont care that you booked a room directly next to an elevator, or below the galley, and the slight noise coming through your walls DURING THE DAY disrupted you....

Tell me about the important stuff! Food! Bars! Nightlife!

I usually don't read the reviews until AFTER I booked. I may ask in the chats about a particular ship but that doesn't sway me from not booking it.

IMAGINARY???? hmmmmmmm...wife says I'm more like a nightmare hehehehehe

So nice to see there is someone else out there who thinks like me! I do have a new acronym though. It is LIS and that stands for 'lost in space' which refers to those with their noses buried in cell phones and totally out of touch with everything going on around them.

Most have lost their ability to think, reason, communicate, read, spell, punctuate, and speak on a fifth grade level.Sad

Down with cliches! Speak English. Sorry 'bout' that. Know where I'm comin' from? Know where I'm goin to? OK. Right?

Thanks all for making me smile. I always have to look up those acronyms... sometimes more than once because I don't remember what it meant. Just so you know: I go by Pinkie in the real world and I am an aunt to some, so that's really me not just cyber me. I actually reffer to all of you (and those on Shipmate) as my imaginary friends, except the ones I have actually met. Big Smile

We have had a few bad cruises. Where every little thing that could go wrong, did. So it happens.

You STILL think THATS what she was really aiming for?? great deke if you ask me.....

I was the guy holding the camera.

Here's a moment I'll never forget. She almost hit me in the face with that machete.

New on DVD: 'The African Queen' - The New York Times

Seriously though. I've never had a cruise that went "perfectly". But any hiccups or disappointments are just dealt with at the time. They're always minor and I've never felt the need to complain. I don't even bring them up in reviews.

I've read very long manifestos from people who just have a litany of one complaint after another about their cruises. I tend to dismiss those types. They live to bitch about things, and they wouldn't know a good time if it hit them in the face (with a machete).

No problemo, I actually use very few....VERY few...mainly because i don't feel the need to converse using cell phones text...less keystrokes is better in there...I don't answer the cell pho anyway unless I recognize the number. the anonymous ones that get thru are always spam...and if folks don't leave a message on my landline (even with caller ID) I dont answer...Buncha old timers out here WON'T leave messages with an "infernal machine" anywho...fine with me....want to stop looking up acronyms?...cut back on social media....being just plain social, to me, generally involves "visiting" with a neighbor, at home or leaning over the back of a pick up....Having face to face conversations is a lost art....That second acronym? works better after some brews.....

My .02m FWIW (thats "for what its worth") is some folks on cruise ships welcome pleasant, even mindless conversation...Older folks that is...young'uns are becoming more and more socially inept...

LOL Actually I did not. I knew the Urban Dictionary definition wasn't what you meant since it I've never seen it used anywhere. It seems silly to me. I knew it meant something, but that was the first thing that came up on Urban Dictionary. Google just returned businesses and organizations.

I'm one of those people that wish we would go back to writing normally and stop all the acronyms. I am always having to look up acronyms and abbreviations I see on social media.

I'm trying to stop my People from using "ion" and "talmbout" in a written sentance. But, I say "finna", so I can't talk. But these aren't the same as FWIW, IDCWTFYM, HAISTKT and others.

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