The "Rules"...word for word...all kinds of between the lines possibilities....

Anybody believe this is no longer a "public health emergency"? ..Or...what are "other considerations"?...hmmm...

Sept money says this will be extended, and for longer than the "voluntary extension" to Oct 31 self imposed by the cruise lines...

We're cutting it close, but I won't cancel.....yet.....we have until 48 hours pre sailing...if THEY cancel, bet the rules will change again??

16 Answers

I think so as well.

nice this is a good information to share, you got this!

OGW, I'd rather be wrong....(((sigh))...and CRUISELLAMA, a year from now we'd better be looking at this over the fantail at sailaways...or there won't be any cruiselines left to debate over....

As the situations change, so will the restrictions. Can be phased in or out depending on conditions. Early sailing will be more restrictive. A year from the first sailing, there may be few restrictions.

I tend to think you are right on this one Yankee.

Notice the date of this article, and specifically the paragraph relating to the public comment period (which expired 9/21) and the resumption of sailing, in the writers opinion. You should note that the plan put forward by RCL/NCL is in direct response to the requirements of the RFP published by the CDC...the didn't invent it out of the goodness of their hearts. While its nice to hope cruising will resume shortly after the no sail order expires (9/31 for the CDC, 10/31 for the voluntary one), I suspect the end result will take LONGER.

Interesting times indeed. As was pointed out above the real key will be what the CDC says (and hopefully they do not change that 3 or 4 times) . BUT it will also depend on what the ports say and agree to as well unless you plan to cruise to no where. The other interesting thing I am waiting to see which the cruise lines does not really go deep into is how excursions are going to be handled including validating the excursion operators to ensure compliance.

Will the cruising public return if they feel burdened with all of this? I don't know. Only time and trail and error will answer all of these questions. We live under the ancient proverb "May you live in interesting times!".

Agreed AP....lets carry it to a logical extreme...cruising resumes with some assortment of onerous rules, blessed by somebody...somebody scientific as opposed to political or profit driven..THEN, eventually, there's a vaccine, which will happen sooner or then, you MUST get a shot....really??? and prove it to the cruise line's satisfaction...suppose you do...does that mean YOU don't need a mask?? YOU can wander the ship and go on excursions and so on??use the tubs and bars and ignore "social distancing?? somehow I don't think so...I can't imagine the bill from the ships MD if you need their services for ANYTHING..let alone an ICU isolation bed...we've had that you MUST buy insurance...or else what???

I kind of forced my wife to read the wife is an intelligent, literate woman...who loves to cruise as much as I do, and her comment was.."wow!!! they expect us to PAY for that?? is this fun???

These are all suggestions to the CDC and not rules implemented by the cruise lines. First it looks like, if you want to cruise, you must get a test (at your expense) before cruising. Is the test to be administered 5 days before hand or are the results to be returned 5 days before hand? We won't know the "rules" until the CDC allows cruising to resume, if then. The CDC has a bias against the cruise industry (not sure why, but it there).

I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts on the matter. Just remember we don't KNOW what will happen.

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