What does that mean?? 33%?? 50%? 98%? Yes I know, we'll all wait and see...but...think about it...social distancing eh? lines everywhere sometimes hundreds of people long,...all more or less 6 ft apart...on a cruise ship...waiting for....everything! drinks, food (specialty restaurants and the good ol new style buffet), shows, the store, the hot tubs (if they still have them), the rides...you name it...getting on, getting off (you know the ports are a zoo when things go well anyway)....AND...lest we forget the behemoths were BUILT to sail at or near full capacity...sailing at a reduced capacity simply serves to increase the losses. Yes some things will cost the lines less with less people...but the ships cost what they cost, and those fleet "redeployments" arent there to give folks a different color scheme on board.

And while its lurking in my mind...that buffet?? You want more??? get at the end of the line bub!!!!

10 Answers

Well...with all that good stuff going on, people should be crawling over each other to cruise...money no object....

You are such an optimist.Wink

There will be 2 cabin stewards per deck, one for each side of the ship. 4 waiters per restaurant. 1 lifeguard, working 3 hrs/day. Shops will only be open 2 hrs/day. Craps tables will be using only 1 die. Cutbacks everywhere, except for the overpaid Board of Directors who will undoubtedly request a raise.

I used an FCC and paid into a trip originally planned for May.. of course, it was canceled, and I re-booked several times. I didn't have to pay towards it for any of the other re-bookings. In fact, I actually got 400.00 back on the last one that I planned to go on in early Aug. When that one was canceled I knew I could not rebook for this year, and looked into 2021.. The cost shot up! I used all my credit and ended up having to pay towards it another 200.00 for a 5 day! The Aug 2020 7 day I booked was less than the 5 day planned for next summer. They will make up the cost, one passenger at a time!!

At this point i don't really care...we're not going in NOV...and now theres no reason to wait on cancelling. (assuming that no sail political decision is true).... will do so in the next few days. Next up is 2/21...and thats on our doubtful list. After that its fall of 21...so by then we'll be certifiable....

Yes but they need to increase staff count for the cleaning and serving so it might just be a saw off

For a half-full ship (if thats what it is), I would imagine they'd hire less crew, especially on the hotel side.

The lower passenger loading allows the lines to run through the protocols while minimizing "spread" if something goes wrong. As long as there are no or low outbreaks, restrictions would gradually be pealed back. I image service would be pretty good on a half full ship.

The old saying, "You have to spend money to make money", might be true in this case. It may cost the cruise lines a bit, but it might get them back in the game. Right now it is costing with no forward progress.

It truly remains to be seen what the new cruise style will be. With reduced capacity comes increased cost and how much will a cruise cost in the new normal?

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