Mixed signals from the industry

I read these stories about bigger ships, or ships with go karts, changing menus, etc. But here’s the thing, CoVid is STILL around, but mask mandates and vax requirements are not. We know people are walking off of these ships with some form of Covid. They have to be. Prices drop so that even the lowest strata of society can afford a vacation. We used to save for a year to take a cruise. Now, people seem to take 4 or 5 in a year. I’m not one to judge, but I’ve seen luggage with more duct tape holding it together, than actual luggage material on my last couple of cruises. Dining room attire has become lax ( anything other than a bathing suit apparently ) even in a so called formal night. People don’t even try anymore. And the sense of entitlement !! How rude can people get ? Apparently very rude. Think about this, would you work for a cruise line when you see how some people act ? Staffing a cruise ship was NEVER a problem. Now, they all seem to be understaffed.
just rambling again. Sorry folks

22 Answers

Thanks for your honesty KantWait2Crooze. I do hope that you get better soon. I too was rather ill. I take lots of meds to make me better.

May I ask if You have sought professional help?

Lynn is great

Don’t go by my profile. I never update it. There are things going on here that some people are aware of. I have been on over 20 ( at least ) cruises. We are Platinum with NCL.

You're right Lynn. Thank you for pointing that out. My suspicious nature got the better of me. A while back I had gullibly followed the postings of someone on a different social media platform, only to later find out they had absolutely no experience about the activity being discussed. They were there simply to mess with the rest of us. I had thought that could be happening here. My apologies to KW2C.

As to the topic at hand, one thing I think we all need to keep in the forefront of our minds is that the cruise lines are publicly traded businesses, and we are nothing more than CUSTOMERS. That's the way it is AND the way it's always been. Like any other business, the pressures are on the lines to increase revenue, especially since the shutdown. The lines are targeting the group that have the most money ie: the masses. That's why there will be ever bigger boats with roller coasters, go cart tracks, ferris wheels, etc.... for the only way for them to survive will be to rapidly turn over as many dollars as they can.

We seem to resent their business model by continually lamenting such things as a loss of "glamour" and the rise of "rudeness" and the sense of "entitlement", but am I the only one who thinks we are skirting around borderline elitisms in our discussions of this topic? People are who they are, and nothing we say or do here will change that. All we can do is respond to it by migrating to cruise lines that are financially out of reach of the masses, or we accept this new norm, because things aren't going to change.

Also, as I had previously stated, I think we ourselves (ie: society) are partly to blame. The increasing level of coarseness in our public discourse has eroded many of the social norms (humility, politeness, patience, compassion) which IMO is the glue that holds civil society together. What concerns me is most of that is learned behavior, and if one doesn't learn it by the time they reach adulthood, whose to say they will acquire it once they reach a level of material success in life? Perhaps 10-20 years from now some may lament all these same things, and they'll be talking about a cruise aboard a Viking or Seabourn ship.

Yeah. I saw that it didn't post the first time so I reposted. My guess it's a technical issue. I'll try to post it again later if it doesn't appear.

I don't understand. I got TWO separate notifications that AB has posted an apology. Probably got almost all of the text of it both times. Neither of them appear here. Whats going on?

The lines continue to adhere to local laws while keeping mitigation strategies in place. I don't see mixed signals. Just a new normal.

why does this even matter how many cruises the OP has taken?

Honestly Hun, how many coffees have you consumed so far today?

Lynn is beautiful

KW2C, I looked at your profile. It states you had one past cruise in June 2020 on a Celebrity ship, which if I'm not mistaken never happened because of the lockdown. Also, I don't see any upcoming cruises listed, nor are there any reviews of past cruises, tips etc....

It also states you joined this forum in January of 2020, just before the lockdown. Please don't take this the wrong way, but if you don't mind my asking, what other cruises have you taken recently where you witnessed all this?

Don't apologize...I have said ad nauseum that the one group that'll have the hardest time dealing with the "new normal" would probably be veteran cruisers...and even more so, if you happen to be of "an age"...I opined they could be "killing the goose etc"...obviously, nobody cares...sooner or later I'm sure we can find SOMETHING useful to do with our dough....never thought I'd feel that way...and we've got a bunch booked...mebbe we're gpoing out in a blaze of glory or some such...

Welcome to the new normal man ... the times they are a changin ...

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