Horse driven Carriages are Gone?

Ships are Bigger.. Mega Ships

Six thousand passengers plus crew.

Freeport Grand Bahamas Dock is under renovation building the Docks Larger.

Keep your Balcony Cabin Door Shut from the Dust flying around.

Where are the Famous Horse Driven Carriages? They're Gone !

As Famous as in Manhattan, My Hometown the Central Park Horse Driven Carriages are Fun & Tourist Love them.

I missed them and Hope for their return.

I look forward to them after the Docks are completed.

What do you think?

Tags: Caribbean - Bahamas Freeport Grand Bahama Island

14 Answers

Good for you AUNTIE!...we live in a world where folks who have differing opinions are usually at each others throats, especially in cyber, where anonymity covers a multitude of sins.....I'd REALLY prefer that not happen in here...theres clearly a number of us who enjoy this place a bunch.....and who knows what folks are really knowledgeable about, or good at....there could be an ax-murderer or two lurking in the weeds heheheheh

I appreciate this dialogue. You both have such passion. Thanks for sharing and allowing us to come to our own conclusions.

There is no "friends" page on CRUISELINE.COM...perhaps on the SHIPMATE APP...I don't have that OR FACEBOOK. We contribute to only two, is the local University where we opened an endowment to the AG/VET school, those folks are contributing something actually useful.....the other is NEEDY PAWS, for the incredibly good work they do rescuing critters...enough with the self-serving advertising...usually not my style...

I spent entirely too much time in the Far East (NEVER EVER AGAIN THANKYOU) complete with open air live markets where, among other things, dogs are sold for matter the legality or morality of it. So before you launch into tirade about what the USA does or doesn't do, the rest of the 3rd world nations of the world don't share your sensibilities or outrage.

I share your outrage, but only to a point..Hardly a day goes by where there isn't an instance of animal cruelty right here in the good ol USA; but at least there are laws to help deal with it. And hundreds of organizations designed to try to put kill shelters, incompetent breeders, and animal abusers out of biz. To large part of the rest of the world, cruelty to animals and people is a way of life..I have seen it, and it continues....

Not that this has much of anything to do with cruising...

I am For Return of the Horse Driven Carriages Not Against

They are Not Abused Animals. They are well taken cared of Inspected & Govt Licensed Horses controlled by Govt of the Bahamas.

Please read my article again.

I have opened my Friends privacy on THIS App to ask to be my Friend.

I will shut that soon.

My Facebook page is my Pvt Pg for My Friends only.

This Bog has many who do not know anything about Horses. And have never taken a Horse Carriage Ride in Grand Bahamas.

Note: USA is the Biggest Abuser of Dogs. Biggest Cryer of Animal Abuse. When it is Killing thousands daily in Rescue Kennels for its Throw away Dogs.

USA is the Only Country that has policy.

Shelters making money. Cutting Ears and Tails. On Animals. Shame.

I want Horse Carriages Rides Returned.

Peace and Love

Thanks Marjorie, but as a public figure here (in UK) I am not on social media, so unsure if you have added another Lynn on Facebook.

Am sure the 74 photos of you look great :) and that You received lots of likes.

I work in the media business, (on radio), and also an award winning (multi) charity worker and have removed myself from social media.

Hope all is well with you ?

Thanks all the same, I have met so many new friends here.

Lynn is caring and thoughtful

100% agreed.

Ban these awful abuse of animals.

Lynn loves animals

I'm not on Facebook. Yes, shame on them. I've found that where humans use animals for profit or amusement, the animals lose.

I Friend Requested you to enable you to see my 74 photos.

Holding a Govt issued Carriage License is more like a Motor Vehicle License with an inspection

Excursion Horse Rides are Not so Controlled.

But Govt of Grand Bahamas is extremely strict.

They may have similar Laws for the Horses there.

Other Islands are very disappointing.

I never go on Horse Rides in other Countries where the Stables were dirty & Horses looked poorly maintained.

Shame on them

Peace and Love

First, I meant "Excursions for rides". If they abuse their animals, how do they operate under the strict licensing and care the govt requires? And I went to your profile, please help. Can't find those pics, but Lord you certainly do cruise! Good for you!

I Friend Requested you to enable you to see my 74 photos.

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