Gifts for cabin stewards and other staff onboard?

Hi! Anyone have advice on whether or not cruise staff (I'm thinking of room steward & such, that are not officers) would appreciate handmade bar soap?

I always give cash and I have found small bags of good quality chocolates are very much appreciated, but in trying to support local craft people near me, thus, I have some very nice handmade bars of soap,

I thought might be nice to share/gift onboard.

I am concerned I might offend someone, by insinuating they are not clean?

I would be grateful of advice.

I truly don't want to offend anyone.

Thank you,


Tags: gifts for crew

28 Answers

Thank you every one! I truly appreciate your input Love

Great Tip,

On a recent cruise, a Crew Member told me that they are not allowed to leave the ship while in port, except private islands. Since there are no stores on private islands, they have to use soap that is available. He was so grateful when I picked up a 4 pack of brand name soap for him when I went into town.

They are in need of a lot of personal toiletries, now that they can't leave to shop. Prior to pandemic I would ask if they were going into town. If not, I would ask if I could pick up anything. I always bring chocolates for them, in addition to gratuity.

Another thing to keep in mind is they may appreciate at this time the simple things that they cannot get on ship. In most cases crew are not allowed to leave the ship when in port so might appreciate some of the more mundane things from shore.

FWIW, I have found the one thing that bothers many of the crew is the inability to stay in touch with their families...I used to think they had free internet, silly me. Before this pandemic insanity, crew members who could would leave the ship just to be able to phone home, or get online, depending on the port. I then discovered that they have to pay for the same crappy service passengers get. And now its difficult to get off the ship to do even that. Had a discussion with a bartender who had a family with a whole boatload of kids at home...We joked about how it was more pleasant onboard. Until we saw on the news the country he came from had a major earthquake. We asked him if his family was alright...He had no idea. After a few days, of this, we quit asking. Nothing ANYBODY could do...think about THAT.... agree with the "cash is king comment"....

I know that the dining room staff can have a glass of wine or other, when they don't sell the or liquor already poured. I also know that some who work on n the room service do☺️.

One could ask what they need too.

In Cozumel, the MEGA mall sells what they want/need. In the Puerto Maya port, there is a mini-mart that sell their preferred snacks and personal hygiene, small clothing line like socks as well. They like ramen noodles too☺️. Just a note that they have their own crew kitchen, not the same food as guests.


I know that the dining room staff can have a glass of wine or other, when they don't sell the shots or liquor already poured. I also know that some who work on n the room service do☺️.

One could ask what they need too.

In Cozumel, the MEGA mall sells what they want/need. In the Puerto Maya port, there is a mini-mart that sell their preferred snacks and personal hygiene, small clothing line like socks as well. They like ramen noodles too☺️. Just a note that they have their own crew kitchen, not the same food as guests.

Thats the short version, and well said...When we started cruising, i was completely oblivious to what the crew has to "endure"...and yes thats the right time went on, and occasionally engaging various crew in different positions on different lines about their "working conditions" it became almost an embarrassment when we realized what they have to put up with. No wonder you won't hardly find Americans doing it.....on top of everything else, add in 6 mos+ away from home, in quarters that make many of our walk in closets look big, split shifts, 7 day a week jobs,, and, well, you get the picture. Deciding what to give, and how much, is a very personal decision. Some folks will line up at the end of the cruise to "remove" or "adjust" their tips...we've seen it..some folks won't tip at something extra is a grand gesture...I've done it fairly often, but its limited to CASH...actual greenback $$ directly in their hands. You want to give something else along with it, that's nice too. Again, NOBODY gave PATTY a hard time. How people interpret what they read is an open question in cyber....this is a moderated group. If the mods don't like something, they're not shy about removing it.

BTW, welcome to the group.

Depending upon the cruise line, the stewards and dining staff may have fixed salaries, salaries plus tips, or tipping only from the gratuities. Most of these workers could not find jobs in their countries that could support them and their families. They send all or most of their income from the ship to their families and they might keep their tips for their own needs. The ship does not provide them with the same food and extras like guests. They get a supply of toilet paper, soap,. They buy their snacks, toothpaste, socks, shaving needs, etc. Cash is good of course but they need other things that they might not get until they dock, these days some of them are not even allowed to get off the ship. When people have a giving heart, don't knock it. Think, read what you write before posting, nicely.

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