I assume a lot of us have been following this..the impact of the Govt shutdown as it affects Air Traffic Controllers and TSA. Just spotted another announcement that given how long this has been going on, certain large metro airports have been afflicted with ground stops, rerouting, and delays. I was concerned about lines thru Customs getting off...silly me...if this continues, all I can say is Im glad we're DRIVING down to NO. with motel and parking reservations in hand. this is one sad state of affairs...

11 Answers

My thought exactly!Big Smile

In this part of the country "she" is vilified regularly....lately, its become even money down at the café in the AM...looks to me like she stomped "him"...at least for the moment...its still a hell of a way to run a railroad...

As to the other, that's the way I feel about it if we get "stuck" in NO in the winter...there are way worse places...

Some have said he is playing checkers while she is playing chess.

I believe he is playing 4D chess, and will have checkmate in 3 weeks -- I mean turnsBig Smile

Pinkie - getting to FLA is the important thing. If the furlough should cancel flights after that, I can think of worse things than being stranded in FLA in the middle of winter!

Like jbenham, we really must fly to get to any cruise port. My biggest concern is usually snow (from Colorado to the port). We fly out in 3 weeks... looks like the new "stop gap deal" will at least get us to Florida.

Agreed...(that's 2x in one day...this has got to stop)...clearly, all of it was behind the scenes...but he didn't get his way..just a way to sort of save face...she on the other hand...well.."hell hath no fury...' etc etc...Im just glad no planes tried to occupy the same space....

It is nice to be getting paid again, but I don't think it was a one-person party involved.

At any rate, things should be back to normal by Monday, and IRS should be starting their refunds shortly thereafter.

Well it appears that the problem has been kicked down the road for at least the next 3 weeks. They can spin it any way they like, but the idea of the nations aviation grinding to a halt, or worse, having terrible accidents, has caused certain a person to rethink his hard line "my way or the highway" approach. Im counting down...single digits soon...doan need no steenkin countdown clock....btw, thanks for the prompt reply SIMON...lets hope you can get to the bottom of it.

Sounds like Green Bay is one of those feeder airports like we have around here (3 of em 1-2 hours away)...doesn't seem like they're much affected...but major cities and hubs are problematical. I don't think I could stand the strain. checking weather in the winter is more than enough thankyou, even here...we're quite prepared to leave an EXTRA day early if need be...last time we did that we cruised out of Galveston when most of it was underwater. turned out to be unnecessary, but we felt a whole lot better doing it.

We have no idea what road conditions might be like for us, so driving is out of the question. We fly out of Green Bay, so don't expect a hassle there. we connect through Detroit on the way down and Atlanta on the way back. Main concern is New Orleans afterward. The one time where it is probably good we have a late flight.

That's exactly why we drive it...10 hrs more or less...blood pressure meds cause...you know...as for the other...that's why I started that other thread re customs... that would be a minor inconvenience, even tho that doesn't seem to be much affected...clearly ATC and TSA are the peeps you need to do their jobs just to BOARD the plane to get to the ship. AND to keep them from bumping into each other!! and according to the latest reports, things arent going too well...

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