Anyone gotten off a cruise anywhere in the USA during the current govt partial whatever its called? Any problems with Customs at the pier?...Im not referring to airports...but feel free to comment. we have one coming up shortly out of NO for 10 days. mebbe this will be over..or not...

9 Answers

Going broke, debating whether or not to register for food stamps.

Hopefully taxes get processed quickly - I can use the rebate for bills that are about to start stacking up.

Luckily, I paid my cruise off before the Congress went on strike.

Got off Vista Saturday, no problems at all, all stations manned, this was in Galveston

Thanks for that..I'm feeling better about it, not that disembarkation is ever fun. We have NO down to a science tho...This whole thing is hard to believe. How can you look folks in the eye when theyre working for no pay?

We just got off the Freedom out of Galveston last weekend. No delays or interruptions.

BD.. how are you? This sucks.

Thanks for that..I cant imagine being forced to work for no pay..especially for folks coming back from a cruise of all things. I think my attitude would suffer, If I was there at all...

Just got back last Friday from our cruise in Miami and there were no delays or issues. Honestly it was no different than any other time.

None of the recent reviews have indicated delays. I've been monitoring them with this in mind, checking the debarkation comments first.

The uniformed Customs officers are working at full manpower - albeit without pay. There should be no delays.

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