I'd like some other confirmation of this. I certainly thought there'd be other posts in here about it by now...the order was supposed to expire 9/30, and the lines themselves extended it to 10/ the article isn't "exactly" right...and of course, the ports involved have to agree to it as well...FL is a lock, but there are several others stateside.

10 Answers

With recent developments the follow up meeting could be postponed for a while.

I don't think the CDC can do ANYTHING without approval from on high.

The CDC also holds the cruise line health plan approvals . Even if they no sail expires, they could withhold approval of the operational health plans. The proposed "Back to Sail" legislation proposed by the 2 Florida senators moves the CDC to an advisory position as opposed to the controlling agency for cruising out of the US. US maritime agencies would be the primary authority. Of course I doubt this legislation will see the light of day in these challenging times.

OGW...take a breath...given the so-called behind the scenes" political; machinations, all the CDC did (or was allowed to do) was bring it into line with the self-imposed OCT 31 date the cruiselines used. The CDC wanted to extend it to FEB 2022!!!

EXCELLENT points....and thats why I put up a link to the cruise lines entire 60+ page "proposals", and hacked my way thru it. Theres another thread on it. Exactly who do you trust? Cruiselines fighting to stay afloat? CDC's bureaucrats? the "current occupant"?? whatever. the whole thing is a BAD joke...All I know is our next two will in all probability be cancelled by us. why do I get the feeling we're guinea pigs in someone elses experiment?

Since RCL and NCL have submitted their proposal to the CDC I would be more concerned as to what the CDC didn’t find sufficient enough that they wanted to extend the no sail date another 4 months. The biggest challenge in my opinion is being able to get COVID test results within 24 hours -5 days. Many states have limited testing to those with symptoms or in nursing homes. Are the ships going to be prepared to test those passengers that have not been tested, if so, at what cost or will those passengers be denied to board the ship? Of the 74 protocols identified by RCL and NCL, the majority addressed crew/ passengers testings, crew lodging, medical arrangements, ship cleaning and mask wearing. No real details around social distancing in high traffic areas, dining options or ship events. Some of which will be addressed with reduced passengers, I suppose. With so many unknowns, I can understand why the CDC might want to extend the no sail date. It seems like it will take more than 30 days to get ship crews and support industries back in place and fully trained on the protocols. If everything is ok and up and running for a Nov 1st sail date, who’s to say a passenger traveling to the ship through the airport doesn’t get exposed and is on the ship days before they show any symptoms show. I guess for the unseeable future or until a vaccine cruising is going to be a crap shot.

According to a Don's Vacation, The CDC had 3 criteria for starting up. The third one is Or Sept 30. It hasn't been extended, so they would need to issue brand new mandates. It probably doesn't mean anything, but who knows?

Amazing....the lack of responses re the biggest "announcement" since cruises were suspended. To find other articles re what happened merely google something like "CDC no sail cancelled" or "lifted" or any combination of words that accesses the subject. At this point I could care less about much of anything else...including old magically resurrected years old threads...

Apparently the CDC can no longer even make public announcements without being blessed from above. AUNTIE, you hit the old nail head not long ago. As usual...hehehe....

Interesting. First I have heard anything even remotely official. would be nice if someone in authority was to make a statement.

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