Cabin Steward gifts

I understand tipping my Cabin Steward extra cash. Recently, I learned of giving the Stewards gifts on boarding day. I just did this on my most recent cruise. I gave a little gift bag of wrapped candies, toothpaste, tooth brushes, and cash. LOL - I figured if he did not like the candies, he could give them to female crew members. I know, sexist.

My question. What have folks given as 'gifts' to their Cabin Stewards? What was received positively?? or negatively?? Any input is appreciated. Thanks.

37 Answers

Not knowing the likes, preferences, allergies, sizes, etc of crew I haven't met, I don't bring any special gifts for them but love the idea. I will continue thinking on this with the hope of landing on something to give in addition to the extra cash tips.

That's very cool! How did she know how to contact you????

Ha ha, and well said in the context of the article GIL155

Made me chuckle. Num Num

Lynn is feeling fabulous today

ableman - yes, a perfect article for this thread. I can see my individually wrapped candies might be against the new policy since it is NOT the whole sealed bag. As usual, my thoughts of individually wrapped were a little less safe for the well-being of the crew. I guess this means I will NOT be taking a rack of freshly baked ribs on my next cruise (lol). Good thing cash as still universally accepted - and appreciated. Happy cruising !!

Thanks for your contribution.

Great Article and makes sense

Now posts show many hours later...yours re "trolls" is missing...and yes, saw that article yesterday...never occured to me to "donate" food items...unless you mean cabbage....

Second the notification of your post..but it failed to post. Seems to be happening more and more lately. Very annoying.. Please try again! the notification of your post, looked interesting too,but it failed to post...join the club..seems to happen more often lately..please try again!

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