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I have to ask. Is this an earnest attempt to stem the outbreaks of brawls, or just another attempt to increase revenue? Wink

14 Answers

Honestly, I agree with Yank.

Its all a PR Stunt. We still cant get people to complete the simplified Muster drill in an appropriate timeframe...

"Oh, if you dont do it, we'll put you off at the first port"

HorseHockey. They'll hold your hand, and make you sit down and do it, and then walk you to your Muster Station.

Theres no accountability for anyone's actions anymore.

Sounds like a fine idea to me personally

Sounds like you were in Navy. Back in the old Navy days they keel hauled you when you cross the equator. They quit because when you go under the ship the barnicals scrape you and attract sharks . Now as big as ships are nowdays the draft is so deep, you will drown before you get to other side.

Personally I think they need to reinstate keel hauling ...

Just so you know, according to the reviews on Shipmate, Carnival isn’t the only cruise line that has had fights.

Agreed...the $$ doesn't mean squat to the cruise line..and it won't prevent anything the heat of the moment, nobody cares about the threat of punishment...wife says theres a brig on these ships...stick em in it...for 24 hours, like a drunk tank...bring em a cold meal or two, etc etc....then charge em for the privilege...and when they sue, which they will, embarass the crap out of em, publicly....

Agreed - no more drinks, a fine and a permanent ban from the cruise line might go a long way to discourage brawls. In any event, it would guarantee that the same people won't be doing it again. Ever.

As far as a fine being a way to generate revenue for CCL, I highly doubt it. Each cruise on a medium-sized ship generates from a half million to a million dollars in cruise fare alone, excluding taxes, fees and gratuities. The larger ships, at least twice that. I really don't think $500 to a couple of thousand in fines is going to have any impact on the bottom line. Two thousand bucks in fines (4 brawlers) on a typical cruise amounts to one tenth to 2 tenths of a percent of cruise fare revenue. The real shipboard money is in drinks, the casino, the spa and wi-fi.

That whole process is what I tried to explain the problems with on that post that went MIA...kicked off where? into whose custody? problems on the high seas ALWAYS cause jurisdictional could commit a serious crime onboard and as long as you're not in someones waters, they get swept under the rug, we've all discussed it several ban one poerson in a party of 4-5-6? wha happens to the rest of them? THEY sail into the sunset and leave momma or poppa? And when that one person says he can't pay for the flight home from gawd knows where, what then? It goes on, but I obviously got carried away. Nope I like my idea..."No more drinks for YOU"....

Personnaly, I wanted any physical fights to have the involved passengers kicked off and banned from cruising. But then I can be harda---d under some circumstances. Maybe, if they actually enforce these new rules, it will get the attention of self centered people who don't know how to behave in public. If Carnival makes money in the bargin, so be it!

Remind me again why I left the "big city" and moved to the back of beyond ASA we were able...... and never looked back. I believe nowadays they're called "quality of life" issues...

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