Anybody else tired of food pictures, and 25 continuous action photos of a jet landing?

Gotta admit, on Shipmate, I am blocking posters that post 185 pictures of a building as they walk around it, 28 photos of an ice berg floating by the ship, EVERY plate of food placed in front of them over a seven-day cruise.

I will admit, seeing 18 people get blown into the Ocean by a jet thrust taking off is nice. And yes, some unique food is appreciated. But a plate of hot dogs? A hamburger? A napkin folded into a heart saying 'happy anniversary' ? (OK, the napkin might be a special picture, that is alright). But most food pictures are so repetitive and so common. Especially the half eaten hot dog. A few posters have over 500 posted pictures of ??? (there life in a 30-second lapse of time). IMO - keep your multitude of pictures on your devices at your homes.

There. A grumpy old man has stated his opinion.

Enjoy your cruises, share the bikinis, keep the speedos on YOUR computer/phone.

Nice comments are welcome. Food pictures are NOT !!!!! Wink

21 Answers

As always.. a literate, well put together rant....and, as usual, you forget where you are..theres a few folks in here who I know appreciate it...and I hope you feel better...your rant is rather easy going, all things considered....I don't have to be...folks who post pictures of them wiping from left to right instead of right to left have no life...probably never did...and in all likelihood never will.........yes, you're right about how "easy" it is to take 1000 pics nowadawys, as opposed to the "process" of bygone days....I have a serious MINOLTA with 4 lenses, filters, autowinder, even some film...its stashed in a closet...It has no value...I checked the usual places...back in the day that rig cost me $1k more or less, I had to buy it piecemeal.....not counting film and developing....all this probably explains why, if you looked at my cell phone, theres only about 40 pics in there, and that took a few years...the pc, which has an even bigger capacity, might have 100....I can still actually remember stuff I had an interest in...places we've been ..ships we've been on....never felt the need to shove 11,316 pics of all the dinners we've eaten etc etc at ANYBODY...

I have occasionally wondered about one’s motivations for posting such absurd photos. Most personal photographs used to be primarily used to supplement the narrative, to give a visual enhancement to the story’s of life. They were taken with the eye and mind’s desire to best capture what’s happening at any given moment, be it a historic event, a gathering of family or friends, or an amusing or thought provoking incident.

I think back to the dawn of photography being used as a mass medium. Would the famous civil war photographer Mathew Brady, who conveyed hundreds of horrific and poignant images of the conflict, even consider for a fleeting moment the need to document a soldiers plate of beans? No, he would correctly focus on the story of gratitude shown on the soldiers faces for finally having a long delayed meal. Now I realize he was working with limited and rudimentary equipment, but I’m referring to his mindset behind the photos, not his resources.

Now, in the age of the smart phone and internet, personal photography is becoming banal and mundane. The “pic” has devalued the “picture”. They are no long worth a thousand words.

Leave the photos of your burger & fries on your phone (if you must take them). We don’t care. It doesn’t tell us anything about your experience, other than you either couldn’t find anything interesting to photograph, or you aren’t intelligent enough to recognize it.

haha i don't think you're grumpy at all. the worst is when it is a half eaten plate of something dumb, like pizza lol. i just ignore these types of photos. remember when we had film cameras and really had to think "do i want to use a flashbulb on this?" i only have 10 pictures to take and no more film! now people just snap away and photos don't mean as much 99% of the time.

I'm with you there! I left FB too because of it!

I use Facebook for a select group of friends and family. I agree that there are posters out there who want to show off every moment of their lives. Sorry, I'm too busy to show you what I had for lunch---I was working at my desk....

Still, I do love it when I get candid and cute shots of my Grand daughters. That's every shot for those who don't have grandkids.....

Coming from someone who is a Cruise blogger on YouTube, I totally get the annoyance with the food pictures, as it annoys me too. No offense, but I don't need a play-by-play of what you're eating. I don't need to see pictures like "Here is my food" *shows picture*, "Here's the food I'm about to eat" *shows picture*, "Here is me eating the food" *shows picture of person eating food*, etc.

Totally fine with pictures of people doing things, but even that, you don't need 10 pictures of the same thing. Pick ONE OR TWO and then show that.

I really like the Shipmate APP. Except when someone floods it with all the photos they have ever taken. Or if they are super negative. But it’s all cruise information and I like that.

This is exactly why I'm not on FB - do not care to see what you're having for breakfast. Or what your precious young un looked like wearing said breakfast. And certainly don't want you to know what I'm having to be spared any commentary re my poor/unhealthy diet choices.

With that said, an occasional picture of new menu item or poorly prepared food during a cruise IS welcome so I know what to seek out/avoid.

I did post some food pictures on a live review of Eurodam Alaska that ended yesterday, but think I am mostly not guilty of half eaten food shots...

@gil155 there are likely an abundance of rainy nature shots - it's Alaska!!

And thats why i can't be bothered with SHIPMATE...or FACEBOOK....or an assortment of interest whatsoever...and somehow, i manage to live quite nicely thankyou.....amaaaaazing....

Typos happen. Don’t be embarrassed. My problem with the the photos was nearly 3,000 of all of their Disney cruises in one week. I had to block that poster. Mostly I can skip the food. I noticed the last time I tried to post photos that the algorithm kept repeating some of them when I thought they were deleted.

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