Africa to Italy

We're eyeing, from a relatively safe distance, a Spring, (Northern Hemisphere timeframe), sailing from Cape Town to Venice in 2023, (thus far, thus good).

We've never sailed with MSC and have heard a variety of independent appraisals, (a majority being somewhat negative) - although we enjoy being aboard ships we're not 'cruisers' per se, (likewise, we eat but are not 'foodies')....onboard entertainment, we generally don't bother.

It's the itinerary that attracts us....I've been to many/most of the stops but my lady hasn't, and we'd both like for her to experience them.

Our basic concern, (the voyage is ~34 days), is that we don't want to be in an "Are we there yet?" situation.

Any feedback available?

Tags: MSC Cruises MSC Sinfonia

5 Answers

these cruises sound great . makes me want to try MSC

Following - we're looking at a Cape Town voyage also, but in '24.

Hi there

we also have this cruise on our “wish list” but we have a world cruise booked in Jan 2023 with MSC so cant complain

we have done 4 cruises with them so far and we had heard mainly negative feedback before we booked our first 6 weeks Singapore to Southampton (curtailed by Covid Mar 20)

like you we aren’t foodies but I do like the wide range of non European food available. Its great to be able to try Asian dishes or whatever exotic salad they serve

The entertainment seems to be the source of disappointment for English speaking travellers but they sometimes surprise with a musical event that everyone can enjoy

I enjoy the 9am stretch class on deck (free of charge) followed by an easy aerobic class for 15 mins and a 15 min wind down

then its the morning quiz on deck with prizes

There are craft making sessions but I didnt attend

The dance classes which are free are hugely popular - learn to do the lambada or cha cha cha !!

not a massive amount of activities (bingo I think)) but perhaps someone can get of the day planner they leave on the bed for you (its more a less the same regardless of the cruise)

The activity team are lovely, multi lingual and very busy trying to keep everyone entertained

there are deck games too - deck quoits etc

the staff are lovely

We have sailed with RCI, Celebrity, Carnival, P & O and others but MSC have great itineraries which interest us at the right price

I dont care if the Cruise Director has to say hello to everyone in the theatre in 6 different languages and English isnt the first one

they are okay for us

Hope you get to spend a few days in South Africa before you board the ship

Primarily we're "concerned" (perhaps not the appropriate word.....maybe "focused" is more apropos), on the cruise line the past we've done 3 back-to-backs, approx 32 days, on the old Pullmantur 'Monarch' from Costa Rica to Norway, no probs/very enjoyable...and I (59 years ago) went from Oz to England across the Pacific...(on that one a couple of us young guys considered asking the captain if there was some work we could undertake mid-ocean. :-))

We've also done and enjoyed a few transatlantics (both ways), if it was another cruise line (especially one that we've previously traveled on), the question wouldn't arise.


This would be one cruise I think where daily onboard activity may be a factor. I would assume there will be numerous ports of call. If you enjoy being on a ship I would think you should be ok. Longest we have done so far was 14 nights and I was good for more. My wife on the other hand was missing home.

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