Packing for your upcoming cruise

So here we are waiting for our next cruise and I don't know about you but I'm already over packed!

This week Oregon has been a blaze in wild fires and we are very close to evacuating our home. As I was packing up my jewelry yesterday I found the perfect container for my favorite earrings and pendants- a pill container. I used my double week long pill sorter. It's small, compact and light weight. No worrying about tangles and loosing pieces.

Tell me, what's your favorite packing hack?


Tags: packing covid wild fires pandemics

11 Answers

What a wonderful place to stay with

Wow the place looks surreal and quiet, I love it!

I have a special section in my closet for clothes that I'm taking on my next cruise. That way I just have to pull from there when we're packing the night before.

Sorry, no kites, rice cookers, outdoor grills, hammocks or fishing poles. Wink Carnival once had a forum called Funville. We had several people ask if the could bring things. All of the items were part of the requests.Big Smile

Lol. That sounds like a fun trip. What about a kite? Do you think they will let my husband fly a kite onboard the ship?Wink

On a 7 Day cruise, I pack 1 Dress blue Uniform, 3 polos, and a pair of khakis. and my uniform shoes for dinner. Other than that...3-5 pairs of shorts, 2 bathing suits, 2-5 pair of socks(depending on ports), Crocs, and 1 pair of sneakers.

On a 5 or less I pack 3 polos, and a pair of khakis. and my uniform shoes for dinner, unless there is a Formal Night, Then the Blues go in the bag. Other than that...3 pairs of shorts, 2 bathing suits, 2-3 pair of socks(depending on ports), Crocs, and 1 pair of sneakers.

My wife on the other hand, packs 3/4 of her closet, all of her makeup, 1/4 of her shoes, and 1/2 of her jewelry.

The big secret is I pack all of my uniform stuff to fit where it can, and then immediately upon getting into our cabin, send it for dry cleaning.

For me all my clothes must fit in one suitcase not to exceed 50 lbs. So I tend to pack 2 shirts/blouses to 1 pair of bottoms. 1 pair of dress shoes, 1 pair of sandals and I wear my sneakers, 1 or 2 dresses for formal night.

I learned to travel with one suitcase and a backpack after a tour of Europe traveling by plane, train, and bus. After that experience I promised myself never again will I travel with so much. It also changed how I dressed. LOL

I pack light, if I need anything I will buy it on the trip. I did a one week cruise and then a week on land visiting family and all I took was my back pack and a carry on size bag. After the cruise I did laundry at the hotel the afternoon I checked in. I also have laundry done on the ship if it is a cruise line that gives me free laundry.

I live in the San Fernando Valley over the hill from Hollywood CA. The smoke is very bad here, I can not see the mountains that are only about 2 miles from me. I was planning a road trip up to Morro Bay but the Air quality is worse up there, As is the air quality in San Diego. I'm staying home until the air clears up.

Hope they get a handle on the fires soon. Heard that maybe rain on Tuesday. Stay safe.

I like your jewelry hack. We make lists. I have gotten better, but I still have one or two things that never get worn. Usually because I buy something new, but if I counted on that I probably wouldn't buy anything. Like ctav, I put things out ahead of time and then purge or add until the day before we leave. What's left goes into the suitcase.

We seem to be fine at the moment. Just my aunt's house so far. My work office is closed due to smoke and so are the schools.

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