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4 Viking Osiris Reviews

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Perfection - 10/10 by CruisingNinja2

Sail date: / Traveled as: Singles/Friends
Ship: Viking Osiris

Viking’s Egypt cruises are beyond excellent. This is quite possibly the best trip - land tour or a cruise - that I’ve been on. The itinerary was sublime - from start to finish. Worth every penny. Dare I say, Viking should charge more for this cruise.

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Great trip by troyosborn

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Osiris

This was an outstanding trip. I believe this is the way to see the most of Egypt in a short amount of time. You will absolutely be tired on this trip but the intent is not relaxation. The staff at Viking are consistently second to none and always make you feel at home. Viking Osiris was the cleanest and most updated ship that I’ve been on I really like the newer design.

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Great Egyptian Holiday Adventure by kentmmiller

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Osiris / Destination: River Cruises - Egypt/Africa

Amazing experience. If you appreciate Egyptology and want to experience the ancient wonders of Cairo, Luxor, Aswan and the Nile first hand, this trip is for you. If you are looking for a leisurely, relaxing cruise or have little interest in Ancient Egypt, look elsewhere.

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Ancient Wonders Tour by davmiller63

Sail date: / Traveled as: Couple
Ship: Viking Osiris / Destination: River Cruises - Egypt/Africa

Our accommodations on this trip were phenomenal. The beginning of the Cruise actually starts with a three day stay in a luxurious hotel in Cairo. With tours and outings to various museums and the pyramids. What an adventure just traveling the city of Cairo, it’s markets, shops and other wonderful sites. Air transfers from Cairo to Luxor and return were well done. Our whole 14 day experience was once in a lifetime and made so much more enjoyable by our choosing Viking.

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