MSC Meraviglia Cruise Reviews - Q&A

What's the minimum amount I need to deposit in cash?(MSC Meraviglia )

Asked on March 22, 2023 by mami0312

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3 Answers

Is your question related to the deposit you put towards your cruise when booking or the deposit if you use a cash account onboard? For booking the deposit amount varies. I'm not sure about the onboard account deposit

Answered by jalockw on March 22, 2023

Is there a minimum? I’ve put as little as $50 down but I’ve heard other people say it’s $200. Does it depend on who’s checking you in?? Idk

Answered by CruizinRican717 on March 22, 2023

it depends on the sailing. I've had deposits as low as $50 per person up to $200 per person for MSC

Answered by jalockw on March 22, 2023

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