400 Ports Found

Santa Margherita Ligure, Italy

Find out why this region was so popular with writers Ezra Pound, Lord Byron, Shelley and his wife Mary, and Hemingway. Located just north of Genoa in northern Italy, Santa Margherita Ligure is marked by rocky coves, pebbly beaches, and olive tree-covered hillsides. It also serves as the gateway to the beautiful Ligurian coastline.

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Porto Cervo (Olbia), Sardinia

Secreted among the inlets of Sardinia's rugged northern coast is the Costa Smeralda, a carefully planned retreat with Porto Cervo at its heart. The Costa Smeralda was conceived and implemented by the Aga Khan in 1962 and is still the exclusive resort that he envisioned. A scenic drive into the mountains takes you past elegant private homes and resort hotels that look out over hidden coves and sparkling beaches.

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Ancona, Italy

Ancona is a lovely port, with a beautiful harbor. Ancona serves as the gateway to the walled town of Urbino. During late fifteenth century, Urbino was ruled by Federico da Montefeltro, a patron who comissionned a number of well-known artists to decorate his Palazzo Ducale, including Urbino's most famous resident, Raphael.

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Rijeka, Croatia

Rijeka is situated on the coast of the Kvarner Bay. The museums of Rijeka shelter a rich collection of weaponry from the Far East, as well as numerous articles of applicable and artistic value from all parts of the world. University of Rijeka goes as far back as the Jesuit College of 1627. Having 11,500 students, the University is responsible for the town's feature of thriving youth and life.

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Korcula Island, Croatia

Korcula is not just a work of physical beauty; the island carries immense historical significance throughout its sun-dappled shores as well. Visitors can explore the ruins of the Vela Spilja cave, where settlers camped 8,000 years ago, or tour the birthplace of legendary explorer Marco Polo. Be sure to capture Korcula's looming rock formations, rolling hills, and ornate stone buildings on film.

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Skiathos, Greece

Skiathos is a very cosmotolitan little place and it is not that unpleasant to sit in a quayside cafe or join the shoppers browsing the dozens of boutiques and trinket shops. Bars are naturally littered with youngsters and middle-aged tourists stroll along the quay in cleanly pressed linen. Skiathos town simply bristles with tavernas, bars and nightclubs.

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Sibenik, Croatia

Sibenik is exceptional by its unique position in the picturesque bay on the Krka river. It lies on the slopes of the hills where the Krka flows through its canyon and creates an estuary of the brackish water lake ot Prukljan. There are many islands and islets touching this town, situated in the center of the Adriatic sea. These islands stretch all the way to the famous Kornati archipelago.

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Giardini Di Naxos (Taormina), Sicily

The fertile valleys of Naxos are well-known producers of white wine, citron, and citrus and are the site of a number of ancient and medieval capitals. Visit the famous gardens ("giardini") and walk between the walls of the ancient Greek city and the viewing the museum's terrecotta artwork. A short trip to Grotta, just north of Naxos, finds the recent excavations of a Mycenaean settlement.

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