Cartagena, Colombia Port Q&A

How far is the aviary from the port?

Asked on February 25, 2023 by JVPVPLAYAS

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6 Answers

its about a 5 minute walk from the port.

Answered by emmieluvscruzin on February 25, 2023

After doing research, the Aviary is inside the Port on Pier 3. It's called Port Oasis & Eco Park. There is a National Aviary much farther away.

Answered by Conniek9 on February 27, 2023

They had free shuttles to the aviary when I was there in Apiril 2022.

Answered by almtsbb on February 26, 2023

Also, I recall there was a booth there that will Stamp your passport with a official Columbia stamp if you are into getting stamps.

Answered by DropAnchor on February 26, 2023

How could we find the Aviary near the dock?We will be on Holland America Volendam. I also want to find the monkeys, macaws, etc., running around near the dock! Thanks.

Answered by Conniek9 on February 26, 2023

I read on their website the Aviary shuttle is not available. Maybe it's a different Aviary! This one definitely was not within walking distance of the Port.

Answered by Conniek9 on February 26, 2023

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