Nassau, Bahamas Port Reviews

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17358 Nassau, Bahamas Port Reviews

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by Hellokitty13

My family and I had a blast. I will not come on here or any other site and bash such a beautiful island. I had fun, my husband had fun, and our daughters had fun.. We walked to the free beach (junkanoo) and soaked in the sun all day and walked back, bought some items and took alot of pictures. Being w my family and the sun alone was all we needed to have a great time. It was raining and cold back home (north of Chicago) Yes, we were asked to buy items and asked if we wanted to go on excursions, but it didn't bother me. I mean the people there make their money off of us, so of course they will ask and ask and ask. I mean we are there to see the island and to spend money. Anyone coming to this island, enjoy yourselves. Take alot of pictures, try the food, walk in the water and just enjoy it. There are so many people who have never even left their home state, and here we are on a island with beautiful people. Stay positive and enjoy it, bc before you know it, you'll be back at home, at work, and wishing you were back. 😉


by Justjosie

Ok so i get it that there are a lot of people who don't like Nassau. It is a small Island with lots of people. Yes people do try to get you to buy there stuff, get your hair braided or rent a scooter. But all you have to do is say no thank you and move on. We as travelers must realize that this is how these people make their living. They depend on the cruise ships and tourism to feed their family's. We took a great tour that showed us all of the things we wanted to see and also some of the rough areas. The Island is 7 miles across and 21 miles long and there are 200,000 people who reside there. Hurricaine season starts in June and runs through November. If Nassau is in the path, it is devastating. So some of what you see is the inability to rebuild. I said all of that to say this; we expect people to be respectful of us. We must do the same. It is up to you. I saw a lot of rude travelers and it's not necessary. Anyway, your cruise and port experience is what you make of it. Enjoy the weather, water, history and people.


by lcjones18

We planned to just walk around but ran into a nice lady who gave us a taxi tour. It was great to see the island and hear about the history. And also to hear about how people live. People were friendly. And since most of their economy is from tourism many people try to get you to take tours. We told a few people “no thank you” before meeting that particular lady and people respected that. If you understand the conditions there than you shouldn’t be turned off because you understand they are just trying to make a living. I really enjoyed my time there. We ended our tour a couple of hours before we had to return to ship so we could shop. Purchased several items. Wished we had more time to explore. I really enjoyed the island and the people. I wish people would be more open-minded and stop comparing places to your city. Or how about do some research on the place you are traveling to so you don’t have a culture shock. I had to check myself at one point because as Americans we are always in a rush so I had to remind myself that I was not in the US and to enjoy the laid back culture. I can’t quite describe the vibe there but I felt so relaxed and at ease there. Enjoy the experience!


by thebigdsfamily

Enjoyed our time back at Nassau. Look if you aren’t all about people coming up to you asking you if you need anything then don’t get off the damn boat! Stop putting such bad reviews about this port! You give others a bad sense of this port. All the people are just working as we all should be! Being asked for drugs?? My second time back and not once asked for drugs! And if you are,politely say NO and move on. What’s the difference people there selling drugs as to Americans selling drugs!? I enjoyed the shopping and views


by whatsupmeg

I was skeptical after seeing reviews for this, but boy was I wrong. Nassau was the highlight of the trip. The people are the nicest people I have ever met. They are so friendly. They are not pushy at all. I didn’t once feel unsafe. Nassau is a beautiful place. I had such a great time just browsing the markets, spending time on Junkanoo beach, visiting the bars, and more shopping. There’s tons to do. I love the cultural and real feel of it. Atlantis isn’t the real cultural experience. I’m so glad I decided against an excursion and walked around on my own. I would have missed the beauty of the people.


by toshaH

My family and I just returned from our 8 day cruise to the Bahamas. Our last port was Nassau. My family and I had never been to Nassau and to be honest, after reading all of the negative reviews from this site, we were a little apprehensive. I was more than pleasantly surprised that those reviews were incorrect (in our opinion). We never felt unsafe, we were asked to purchase items but never harassed or felt that they were being pushy. We went to Atlantis and it was a blast! The port wasn’t dirty like I had read previously and the locals were all very nice and helpful. I’m writing this review for any other families or individuals that will be traveling there soon and are a little nervous...don’t was beautiful and we had a blast! We are already planning our next cruise there.


by VitaminSea1031

I loved nassau. I think people go expecting either a movie styled tropical paradise or some effect of an American city. Its not that. It's culture and city and history and I loved it.


by kayate11

I have been to this port numerous times and have done Atlantis twice, once with a beach day. I was never a huge fan of coming to this port so when our last vacation has Nassau on the itinerary, we decided to book an actual excursion through the ship. After looking at reviews online, we decided to try out the Blue Lagoon Beach Day. They also had options for more expensive experiences such as dolphin, stingray or sealion interactions. We opted for the beach day and I am so glad we did. When you first arrive on their boat, you dock directly beside the dolphins and the staff took it upon themselves to do some tricks with the dolphins. My 4 year old especially loved it. There were opportunities to pay additional costs for other experiences and we decided to pay 20$ for a dolphin kiss for my 4 year old and a sealion kiss for myself. After this, my sister-in-law and I were approached by staff to participate in a training session with the dolphins FOR FREE! We got into the water with 5 new dolphins who they have been working with for future dolphin interaction excursions. It was not a traditional dolphin swim, but a learning session for the dolphins themselves to get use to guests, such as ourselves. Amazing experience! Amazing facility! Amazing beach! Highly recommended.


by MrsPope14

This was our fourth time visiting Nassau and we enjoyed it just as much this time as we did the first time. I know some people say the island is dirty and the people are pushy and rude. I'm sorry but if you can't find beauty in Nassau you aren't looking hard enough (pictures to follow review). I actually thought the people were a lot less pushy this time as well. Every time we were approached to take a tour or buy something and we said no thank you, they told us to have a great day in Nassau, no one was rude. We booked a day pass at the British Colonial Hilton and it was great! The hotel was beautiful, the beach was amazing and the food and drinks were very tasty. We were lucky enough to be in port from 8 AM to 5 PM so we stayed at the hotel until around 2 PM and then headed off to do a little shopping. We also walked up to the Queens Staircase and Fort Fincastle. It was a heck of a hike on a hot summer day, but the beautiful view from the top was definitely worth the climb. We have visited many different places and took different excursion while in Nassau and everything we did this time was a first for us. Looking forward to the next time because there is always something new to do is Nassau!


by SeaOutlook

I had earlier read some negative reviews about Nassau. But to the contrary, my family and I had an awesome time in Nassau. We had a tour of the city, did some shopping and chilled at Junkanoo beach. The locals were nice and friendly. We enjoyed every bit of our visit. We plan to visit again.

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