Nassau, Bahamas Port Q&A

How far from the cruise dock is the Ardastra garden place? is it walkable?

Asked on December 13, 2023 by LDG63

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3 Answers

If you are really fit you could walk there in about 40 minutes (it's under 2 miles), but I wouldn't recommend it as portions of the route do not have a sidewalk or shoulder area to keep you away from the road proper.

Answered by maryred on December 13, 2023

I usually walk just into town and take the #10 jitney (local bus). You get off at the “Fish Fry” stop. Then walk across the big street, just up a hill, and you’re there. Very convenient.

Answered by NeedToVacation on December 13, 2023

We walked, but as said before, there were spots with no sidewalk. Easy walk, though. And the gardens are wonderful!

Answered by kcl9257 on December 14, 2023

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