
I was curious, why do people need to bring their own water on the boat? I was on a Carnival cruise last year and the regular water they had tasted fine to me. Which is surprising for Carnival. Don't most ships at least filter their 'tap' water? I will be on the MSC Divina in a week. I figured I'll just bring a water bottle to fill up as needed. This should work fine, right?

32 Answers

I don't mind the water on the ship at all, but I do often add a little lemonade and/or ice tea to it. My husband prefers bottled water for excursions for the convenience of them, so we always buy the bottles ahead of time.

We always use the ship water. If we do not like the taste of what comes from the stateroom tap there is always water available in the buffet. My wife always drinks the water and is happy with it. I prefer the ice tea with a wedge of lemon.

I always use the tap water. Last cruise I brought my own water bottle and used it for excursions, too. I don't see a need to always drink bottled water like so many people seem to think is necessary.

Since the tap water is probably purer than the bottled water, I would suggest getting only a six-pack at most of the bottled water, then refill the empties.

Cheaper still, just bring on an empty travel mug and fill it with the tap.

How large are the bottles ? 12 or 16 oz ? If they are 16 oz, $3 / bottle isn’t a bad deal.

I was just Quoted $81 plus gratuities for 24 bottles by Royal Scam Caribbean. I’m most displeased with RC and extremely disappointed with their lack of customer service, pre-boarding.

Oh I knew what I was getting... I just thought I was going to drink it all, and didn't lol... I was more interested in the frozen mojitos than the water. Plus it was a 5 day, so briefer than I am used to

The water I bought was 500ml (17 oz) for $6.90 and if there's any left, oh well ... Schleping it off the ship is as bad as schleping it on the ship.

Bottom line, cruiser should read the beverage list for their ship pre-orders and choose accordingly .. or not...

We can't schlep a case of water... it is physically impossible. If a case of water is the breaking point as to whether someone can afford the cost of the cruise, maybe cruising isn't the right vacation choice? As previously stated, I don't get going to these lengths.

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