
What was "supposed to happen" 11/1??? what WILL happen 1/15? testing? masks? whats "voluntary" mean? yeah I know, wait and see...but did anyone realize there even was some kind of expiration date for 11/1? Lots of folks are cruising again....think they might like to know???? I used to ask "who's driving this bus?" new answer...NOBODY!!! BAH!!!

22 Answers

MIne too..and now I also say it Big Smile

I am sure things will change yet again now that kiddos can get the shot. This will be an ever-evolving thing, just gotta sit back, hold on and keep your hands clean and away from your face.

If you want to cry, I’ll give you something to cry about.
my mother

Well THAT was a fun read..good stuff as usual AB....I'll let wiser heads than mine try to analyze the whys and wherefores. But I will say this...I had just sooo much to do this afternoon, I invested about 20 minutes trying to find some kind of report, ANY kind of report, official-looking, that detailed covid cases on cruise ships over the past month or two...I couldn't...Got bunches from the spring and summer, including some I'll bet we ALL saw before..but nothing NEW. Not that I'm such an expert researcher, but spending 20 minutes trying to find anything that qualifies to bear out those numbers from CRUISE LAW (whatever that is) and FAILING.....wellllllll...............do I believe there are cases onboard an assortment of ships? yes, I do...does it get reported? welllllllll........will we still go in a few weeks...YEP......

Geeeez. I hate when that happens. Fortunately I learned to craft and save my posts on my word processing program, then copy and paste them to this forum.

You state that “it’s just not possible” that the news media wouldn’t cover these stories…… yet here we are. One must ask the question why weren’t there any news coverage of those cases. Here are my thoughts as to why.

A. Incompetence. I start with that one because it would be the “best” reason. At least it lacks any agenda or ulterior motive.

B. It’s just not sexy anymore. They’ll get back to covering Covid on cruise ships when the infection rate on a ship exceeds 5% and there are at least two deaths.

C. Covid is yesterdays news. (refer back to “B”)

D. They’ve done their job. It’s hardly news anymore that cruise ships are floating petri dishes.

E. There are now more important things to cover and report about. Like our world’s leaders gathering this week to save the world from climate change.

F. They are ashamed & embarrassed of their past hysteria & sanctimony displayed during their earlier coverage. Nah, that can’t be it.

G. It doesn’t fit their narrative anymore, be it political, social, or medical. “Hey everyone’s vaxed so the danger is gone for the most part. The grownups are in charge now so there's nothing for our adoring public to worry about. Why confuse them with new facts”

I love the fact that you used the word “vaunted” in your post. It is an apt description. According to Merriam-Webster's: VAUNTED : to make a vain display of one's own worth or attainments : brag. transitive verb.: to call attention to pridefully and often boastfully people who vaunt their ingenuity. vaunt.

I don't know whats going on here AB...got the usual email notification and containing the first few lines of your response...and its not posted in the forum.

HEY AB!! Your post get eaten again???

I gave you a thumbs up because I appreciate reasonably intelligent, thinking posts, even including yours yuk yuk....but...heysoos, don't you think the vaunted news media would seize on covid outbreaks on cruise ships???!!!

I still can't wrap my head around reading nothing.....its just not possible!

I guess the issue is not "sexy" enough for the news media any more. Or it doesn't align with their worldview that "everything is now in good hands and under control, so nothing to see here". But hey, what do I know. It's all just IMHO.

So would I...helps to make informed decisions...what I would like to know is where this info comes from? and how come it seems to appear NO PLACE else? how is it possible to miss all this?

Would like to know sooner rather than later.

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