Time to sail

We are booked in mid August. Cancelled 4 times and each time we have rescheduled the price goes up. We need this one to go. Keeping fingers crossed. Don't know if we can afford to pay more if it gets cancelled again. It's time to sail. Masks, hazmat suit. I don't care. Just get be on that ship.

11 Answers

Yeah, well there's another old saying, "No Guts - No Glory" (not sure if it was from the Army, but it could be).

May as well used cruise bookings as a bank. Between FCC's and OBC's they're paying a heck of a lot better rate of return than a savings account.

There was a saying in the Army....."there goes another GI with more guts than brains..."............which easily morphs into..."sh_t happens..." were still on for end of NOV, then Feb '22....we'll see won't we?...Never though I'd be using cruise bookings as a bank.........

Well, I took a poll among us "posters" and it ended up tied. So I decided I will try to re-book our cruise for this November. I originally was going to wait because our last [4] bookings had been cancelled and I'm tired of cancelling flights, hotels, ground transportation etc... , but in the [3] weeks I already waited the cruise fare has gone up close to $150.00

However, the CSO is set to expire November 1st. I believe if it's still in place at that time, the CDC would have to have a very good reason to extend it, like a worldwide resurgence of a new strain of the virus that is vaccine resistant. Short of that, I think the political will won't be there, and even a few of the "D's" would object to an extension. But if that cruise ends up being cancelled, I'll just have that much more of a FCC to work with, and I already have a booking for next March.

Hey, one of these time I'm going to be right.

That is so true for the most of us. I hope we all can go in one this year.

I could really use a vacation...I haven't had one in 14 months! And I work in a nursing home, so I'm on the front lines....it hasn't been easy for me, so for my own mental health, I NEED my cruises to go this year!

Ah, getting cancelled trips suck but, it is what it is now. Hoping that you would cruise really soon!

We all knew the prices would rise...they have alot of debt to service...it'll take YEARS for them to dig themselves out...and the big ones are publicly traded.....it makes a difference....(fortunately)...there's actual oversight on their financial shenanigans...I still have "some" respect left for the SEC and FINRA....

What I resent is being bombarded by snail mailers and emails advertising cruises that may not happen, and in all likelihood won't, all the while encouraging folks to book them anyway, and burying massive price increases under the guise of more so-called "free" perks that actually cost them little or nothing...

Given the dates being kicked around, and the dates of upcoming bookings mentioned in here, and by other folks who cruise, it seems theres going to be alot of folks who have to send their "balances due" in the next 4-5-6 months....how exciting!!! (NOT!)

Sorry, they wouldn't let me out of school waaaaaay back when unless I could add and subtract....good luck!!!!!

Like you I’ve had 4 cruises canceled since the pandemic. My next cruise is scheduled for September 2021. While I really want to cruise again I can’t help but be concerned about how well the cruise lines new protocols will be implemented. Additionally, will I enjoy the experience as much. One of my favorite thing to do was to explore the ports of call either by walking or local tours. Now that we will be forced to do ship excursions that will limit my ability to shop and to take in the local culture. Not to mention the ship excursions are triple the price of the local ones. After a year with no cruising,I expected a price increase, My cruise to Alaska in June was rescheduled for June 2022 and there was a price increase. The other thing that continues to increase are the gratuities. Pretty soon we’ll be paying $20 a day. The increase prices will determine if I go from 3-4 cruises a year to maybe I 1-2 cruises a year. Good luck with your August cruise.

Fingers crossed.

I hope you sail according to your plan. It is so frustrating but not surprising, to find the prices rising. I will refrain from commenting on the CDC lest I get banished from Cruiseline.Surprised

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