Time to email the CDC

Hello fellow cruisers, The US Gov't and the CDC in particular have gone power hungry. With millions receiving the Covid-19 vaccine it is time to remove the restrictions on Cruise travel. I am encouraging all of you to send an email to the CDC and make your voices heard. Flooding them with angry emails is the only way we will get them off of their power hungry butts and let us be free to make our own choices as FREE adults. Let me know what you think.

17 Answers

If I recall correctly, they rationalized a person only spent a few hours tightly packed on an airliner as opposed to days on a cruise ship. In other words,

science | Science, Sayings, Historical figures

I just have two questions for the CDC: the airlines never really shut down, even before the vaccinations became available. Why is it any different for the cruise lines? On a ship, you can move about more freely than on a plane, making social distancing easier to maintain. Some airlines are selling out shoulder-to-shoulder, why is it ok for them to be in operation, but the cruise lines not? And you can bet that a lot of people going on planes now are not traveling for business!

I'm not saying this to be sarcastic, I truly do want to know what their reasoning is.


Well I have a reason..........the latest cabal is going to yank the other cabals chain just as often and as hard as they can. Doesn't matter which is which or what anyone "out here" wants....unless you have alot of juice that is...then, just mebbe..,,,,,,,,,,and all the cumbaya speeches by the present club, or all the rants and bs from the previous one doesn't matter...its all pablum for the masses.......hmmmmmm...who said that?

I agree with Yank.

There is no way the CSO is relevant anymore in it's present state. It hasn't been updated to take vaccines into account, as were other modes of travel & leisure (airlines, hotels, resorts etc...) Why isn't it "evolving" with the science? The lines have submitted proposals, detailing new and expanded health & safety protocols. Not a word in response. Hardly any guidance in the last 5 months, and there has only been a trickle over the last week or so, probably more due to deflect from the pressure than from any "scientific" reason. Why?

IMHO it's because the CSO more a political document than a scientific one. The cruise lines are being held hostage for some reason. Those of you who have read my posts know my theories, and I won't go into them again. All I will say is FL Governor Desantis had the best line made to the CDC over the last few weeks. "Just give us a reason".

Save the "we" and "us" and "you people" recriminations...And I'm certainly not concerned about trying to "outdo the scientists"...my concern the past several years (up to and unfortunately including even now) is the politicians who tell the scientists what the facts are....according to THEM...the facts vary almost daily depending what side of the aisle you sit on, or what the financial hit to your city may be. We have been bombarded by examples almost every evening on the news of people partying, in incredibly large groups, political and otherwise, no social distancing, not wearing masks, and I'm willing to bet the majority haven't been vaccinated and probably never will be, Vent at THEM...problem is they didn't care before, and certainly don't care now. With the ACTIVE encouragement of politicians who really dictate what the scientists can say or do openly.

FWIW, I agree with you re vaccinations being mandatory for everyone who steps on board...we had a whole thread on trying to figure out how that, and testing, would work....short answer, it wouldn't. If you want to know why, read the CDC's "regs" for conditional approval...ALL OF THEM.....theres a few folks in here who have...that document will make you wonder...who's driving this bus?

My cruise isn’t until March of 2022 so you people go ahead and make the CDC let you cruise early and when you have to quarantine the ships again you’ll be responsible for starting no sail orders again. Smh

We didn’t want to listen to the CDC last year and look where that got us. Quit trying to out do the scientists, they have facts in their side.
However what I believe the cruise lines should do in order to protect everyone on the ship is to have cruisers provide proof of vaccination. No vaccinations, no cruise.

Naw, not hopeful anymore. My June cruise got cancelled so I have no skin in the game at this time. I'm actually pissed off, and I want the cushy politicians and bureaucrats to hear some noise. It may not change anything, but at least we won't be the only ones enduring all the aggravation. Besides, isn't that part of their job description anyway. May as well offer them the semblance of earning their paychecks. And if it ends up doing some good, so much the better.

Probably is, but all it does is make it easier for "them" to ignore...used to be there'd be a big show when some poohbah had a hundred sacks of mail (real mail) delivered to their offices..especially when they wanted to use it to justify voting for or against something. "THE CONSTITUENTS HAVE SPOKEN!", or some such..., NOW fill out an online form from the comfort of your own KB..hit send, , and click...they can make all go away....

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