You expected SAM to do it? don't hold your breath....hey!!! let VISA or M/C do it...they already know everything about you anyway.....

8 Answers

Since I got mine at my Health care provider I'm hoping it will be in my medical records when I sigh into the web site if I need to print an extra copy. I also took a photo if it on my phone. I'll update the photo after shot #2.

I would think that the GOV would make a Stamp that your doctor could give you to go into your passport. But there I go again thinking.

You can also find plastic name tag covers that fit correctly. Card can slide in/out.

All of our originals are safely tucked away and we made copies to laminate, so I think we're all set!

I had some humorous reply having to do with training bras...but I just heard the evening news on in the background about France going back into full lockdown, and cases rising across the US and so on, and the "vaunted" CDC pooh bah issuing warnings...somehow I lost my sense o humor.....

Ah.....wisdom on display. If only I could develop some for myself.

I had a boss who used to preach to me incessantly that people don't always need to know what I'm thinking. Unfortunately, that has been a lesson lost on me. My big mouth (and now my typing fingers) has gotten me into more trouble than I care to admit.Happy

As to the subject at hand, here's an excerpt from the article. The White House said it expected the private sector to take the lead on the verification of COVID-19 vaccines or so-called vaccine passports, and would not issue a federal mandate requiring everyone to obtain a single vaccination credential.

If they really want it set up that way, then perhaps the travel industry could take the lead since the govts main concern seems to be with tracking the movement of people.

Just a thought, and admittedly not a fully developed one.

AngryThis is one of those times I need to keep my thoughts to myself!

Didn't I, in my nonsensical ramblings, post something to this effect a few weeks back? I was thinking Amazon or some other private sector data capturing outlet. I guess the credit card companies would be as good as any, and maybe even better.

No, it's not surprising the govt isn't taking the lead. Does anyone really expect the govt to move at the same speed as a virus? Accountability????? We're talking about politicians here.

This is not at all surprising. Unfortunate but not surprising. No one has taken responsibility for this. There is no uniform process nor is there any tracking. Different states issue different cards and have different information stored and tracked differently. For something of this magnitude there should be a national or even international database and tracking mechanism. Especially when no one knows how this is going to play out long term. Are we going to need boosters 5 years down the road? Will we find out next year that the current vaccines are not effective against even newer strains and variants? To date no one has taken responsibility for any of this because with responsibility also comes accountability and NO ONE wants to be accountable when everything is going through the fan and hitting the wall

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