Smile! You're on candid camera!

Strike a pose! You're being photographed by more than the ship's photographers...or should I say they are expanding their ranks.

14 Answers

Wise advice, but things being the way they are, smart or dumb, matters not..time marches on, out of sight out of mind, mebbe he got deported, or works for another cruise line...or under another name...whatever....mebbe he lives next door.......but not next door to me, there is no next door heheheheh

I am grateful for stupid criminals, at least we can stop them because they lead us to themselves eventually.

Now for the smart criminal, thats problematic cause hes been doing ? for years and NOBODY KNOWS!!!!

We can only hope eventually he gets caught too.

Addiction is Real, some addictions only effect ourselves...others involve people we know or do not know.

So give yourself an assessment and see if ya got a problem...get some help for it if you do?

If you See something, Say something!

If you Sea thats okay with Mea! Cruise On and Often, Salty Water and Air is the Key to living a long and satisfying Life. Lol

True and troubling!

Unfortunately an employee's actions can cause a company alot of bad publicity. I am not a lawyer so I am not aware of how much the cruise line would be liable for the actions of this individual who did not physically assault a passenger. Mentally is very real and could be very troubling as well? We do not know if he shared these photos/video's with anyone else in the World? Unfortunately in our Digital World you can share a photo to the ends of the earth and it will never be removed once its set out into the Digital World. This is very troubling since we started down this road of sharing photos Finding if he did can be near to impossible to prove, let alone remove them from these devices storing them.

Maybe I should take this reply to our favorite joke thread, but I'm not going to make a joke but rather share how this line made me laugh. That's straight out of an Andy Griffith episode. Barney knows all about those "compulsion complexes". HAHA Big Smile

D. All of the above (my go to answer on multiple choice questions btw).

Seriously though, Yankee47 is probably right. Although they have this guy dead to rights, they'll probably just deport him back to the Philippines. It would be faster and cheaper, although it would then be their problem, for he's not likely to change.

From what I've read, once these compulsions take hold, they can be damn near impossible for an individual to resist. He himself stated in the article "I want to control it, but I can't." Worse yet, statistics show most of these people can't be rehabilitated. So long term incarceration is society's only defense (aside from the knee jerk emotional ones we all espouse, yet can't deploy). He will likely be spending a good deal of his life in prison, but probably not one of ours.

Now, for the other side of this topic. Anyone want to take a guess as to the over/under for the amount of $$$ RCL will have to pay out to affected passengers make this go away. I'll be the first to admit that I've never read the entire cruise contract (gasp!!) but I'm fairly confident there isn't a clause in it that fully absolves the line from the actions of pedophile employees. I think there are going to be serious discussions in HR and legal about how to tighten up the vetting process.

Now now...I prefer established firms myself.

The surprising part to me was him telling about crawling under the beds. Gutsy? Arrogance? Just plain stupid?

Whatever happened to just hanging criminals from the yard arm?

Well, cynical ol me...............I say not much will happen to him...sorry state of affairs.....


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