Senate Bill to start cruises again is dead.

From multiple news sources:

The Careful Resumption Under Improved Safety Enhancements (CRUISE) Act, introduced by Sullivan and Florida Republican Sens. Rick Scott and Marco Rubio, sought to revoke the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s conditional sailing order for the cruise industry. “The CDC, Madam President, is dragging its feet,” Sullivan said Wednesday on the Senate floor.

Sullivan pushed for quick approval of the legislation, which would have required the CDC to issue guidance for safely resuming summer cruises by July 4. “They’re dithering. I have been meeting — my staff has been meeting with them certainly weekly. I have met twice with the CDC director,” Sullivan said. “And all we get is foot-dragging. All we get is excuses.”

Washington is another state that relies on cruise ships. Many cruises involving Alaska either start or end there. The industry supports 5,500 jobs and has an economic impact of $900 million to the local economies there.

Those numbers came from Sen. Patty Murray (D-Washington), who opposed Sullivan’s measure. “Those jobs and that impact on the local economy have been severely disrupted,” Murray said. “But we have to ensure the safety of our friends and our families on these cruises before they disembark.” When Sullivan, Scott and Rubio attempted to advance the bill on the Senate floor, Murray objected, which blocked the bill from moving forward.

Tags: senate

15 Answers

NEW NEWS (well, not so new now) Aimee Treffiletti, the head of the MARITIME UNIT of the CDC has released new directives that actually can make sense. Time will tell. Have not heard from the "my family may be hurt!" bosses yet, they may declare her rogue and erase it.

This is sad news. I hope things develop for the good side soon.

Ya know, after I posted, I re-read that line and had the thought that it didn't sound quite right. I considered editing, but thought "naw, no one will take that the wrong way, or consider me weird or anything like that."

"Thinking makes my head hurt".....who said that???...somebody in here?? heheheheh

I got it! I think we need an camp for adults, isolated from children (for the safety of the children), confined to a space the size of a cruise ship (okay, make it a cruise ship), allowing them chances to stretch their legs on land (intermittently), with adult beverages available, and we need to be the paid counselors (okay we don't have to be paid and we could only advise others). Think the CDC would buy that?

Hey AUNTIE...the CDC just came out with updated rules for summer camps for kids so they can open...NO PROBLEMO!!!!! saw it on tv...I'm sure there's a link out there somewhere to it...real simple rules...write em on a bar napkin.... but frankly I don't care....

And ABLEMAN....whut? grab some kids and get excited....or sumpin??? heheheheheheheh

Heyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.... you may be on to something Yank. What if the cruise lines "re-imagined" their business and called themselves "Floating Summer Camps". They have a lot of the same amenities (swimming, rock climbing, games etc......) We could be just what you said (volunteer counselors). So lets just grab some kids and get on board.

I for one am excited.

Camp counselors on cruise ships?????

Aw NERTZ......I think we should all volunteer to be camp counselors this summer....THEY didn't have any problems opening from the CDC.....

I never expected it to come to a vote, and I don't think the bills sponsors did either. They probably would of been shocked if it had. All I think they hoped for was that it's been "political laxative", designed to get (or keep) things moving behind the scenes, and keep them in good graces with their constituents of course.

Also get it in the news so some more of the 300+ million people in this country learn what's going on. Most wouldn't care anyway, but maybe a couple people who actually have some influence might start paying attention. Maybe, maybe not............. probably not.

But hey, here's a few time honored sayings that apply. It is better to try and fail than fail to try. You can't get a hit if you don't swing the bat. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, etc ..... etc...... etc...........

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