Right to be angry or not? What do you think?

I don't think people have the right to be upset in these situations for two reasons: the cruise contract you sign states mistakes will not be honored and moreover common sense says nobody would offer a cruise for $100. What are your thoughts?


10 Answers

I guess they have a right to be angry but I don't believe it will help them at all. Unless I am mistaken the cruise line is not legally obliged to honor it because it was a mistake. If they caught it quickly enough so only a few people booked it at that price I would think it would be wise for the cruise line to eat the loss and allow those people to go on the cruise for what it was booked for but can understand if it was thousands and they would lose a ton of money.

Several years ago, we decided to look at going on a cruise at the last minute. I found a 7 day out of Miami that was sailing in three weeks with a $4.95/day additional for a suite. So I called my PVP at Carnival and said "my computer says I can go on this cruise for $4.95 extra for a suite". Her answer was "that can't be right". So she did her thing on her computer and sure enough it came up the same. I asked how long she could hold it without paying because I needed to check air fare. She could hold it longer than it would take us to do that. The air fare for some bizarre reason was also inexpensive, Long story short: we got our first suite at that price and went on the cruise by the end of January. Sometimes the glitches work in your favor. We would have gone on the cruise anyway, but not in a suite.

We really did think it was a misprint and maybe it was, but it worked in our favor. We wouldn't have demanded retribution for damages if we hadn't been able to do it. Disappointed maybe, but angry, no!

OGW, that's NOT the definition of bait and switch. And virtually EVERY contract, especially long complicated ones, have a whole section to cover "errors and omissions". Besides, as the old saying goes, theres "nothing new under the sun". I'm positive better legal minds than ours have been trying that tactic since you-know-who was a carpenter. Part of your fare is to pay the salaries of the battalions of lawyers cruiselines employ every day.

An interesting vignette, from THIS PAST WEEKEND. One of the cruises we have booked out of NOLA leaves on 11/29/20. We always stay at the HI SUPERDOME downtown, the day before. Its about a 15 min cab ride to the pier. Pricey, but they include a weeks worth of INDOOR parking. At the pier, its $20/day for the privilege of parking outside in the dirt, and then a long walk to the terminal, schlepping luggage. So if you deduct the outrageous parking charge the Port charges, it becomes palatable. (As an aside, we didn't care waaay back in the day, because NCL used the parking building. But now its CCL, and NCL gets the dirt.) Anyway, been staying with HI downtown for years. Way back when, we tried the BW+ across the river. Not bad, but a longer cab ride..yadda yadda. Tried to reserve HI park n cruise for the one in NOV and they gave me some story about needing to stay "2 nites"..bah!! Logged into our BW account, and discovered they have the usual, including breakfast, a weeks worth of secured parking, and a shuttle to the ship, for 159+. No particular reason, but I kept scanning their website, different kinds of rooms, the usual, and down at the bottom, where most folks never quite get to was the same room, same perks, for 109!. Given the structure of their website, there was no reason for it to be there. Trust me. Hit the keys so hard thought I would break the PC. Printed it too. Yep, park n cruise etc etc. c/c guaranteed etc..Wife says that HAS to be a mistake. I said, if it is, they're going to eat it, because Im bringing that paper with us. Went back in AFTER I made the reservation, and sure enough, it was gone. Was it an error? who knows? who cares?

One of these days, I'll get into the mysterious case of the disappearing OBC's. and how NCL is forced to honor them, provided you can bring the proof on board. But enough..thats a different thread.

But does the fact that we sign saying we agree everything in the contract negate screw ups? To me it's Carnival saying "Hey, we may mess this up. If/when we do, we will not honor the mistake. If you agree with that sign/click here." Then we the consumer signs and clicks. Then line is then no longer responsible and we "let" them not be because we said "ok". Should they pay an inconvenience tax? Maybe? These are just my thoughts. The excerpt from the contract is below.

In the event that a cruise fare listed, quoted or advertised through any website, Carnival sales person, travel agent or any other source is booked but is incorrect due to an electronic error, typographical error, human error or any other error causing the fare to be listed, quoted or advertised for an amount not intended by Carnival, Carnival reserves the right to correct the erroneous fare by requesting the Guest to pay the correct fare intended, or by canceling the cruise in exchange for a full refund, but in no event shall Carnival be obligated to honor any such booking resulting from the error or otherwise be liable in such circumstances.”

Not really sure that the contract is able to hold water if someone really wanted to push this in court. This is tantamount to a bait and switch tactic which I believe in most jurisdictions is illegal. They may state it in the contract but that does not automagically make it legal and right.

If a company posts a price they should be committed to hounoring it. All this does is give them wiggle room to intentionally lure people in with fake wrong prices only to try to hook them later.

Perfectly said!

Folks have the same attitude with ANY company they feel have "deep pockets" and want to avoid negative publicity. So they get all up in arms, but they're actually just looking to get "something for nothing.."

The link ANNABELLALEE provided included the text of that "disclaimer"...the print was even big enough for me to read. way back in the day I actually tried to read that stuff the first time I booked a cruise online. Couldn't scroll thru it fast enough to check the lil box at the bottom that says you've "read it and agree". If you DON'T check the box, you ain't going anywhere.

I do feel lines could possibly add in a few perks or OBC but I don't think people should be up in arms trying to sue the lines.

Obviously too good to be true. Cruiselines have some legalise terms somewhere that absolve them of such mistakes.

Looks to me like they're certainly covered for errors legally. As for their so-called moral responsibility, there's obviously a $$ value placed on that, and this is just to much for them to eat. Wink

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