Does anyone know if the hard it ports have recovered from hurricane damage from last fall? Thank You
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Recovery of Ports
2 Answers
I was in San Juan & Grand Turk in Dec & they both look great. Saw very little signs of hurricane damage. My sister was in St. Thomas last week but it was RCCL dock not Carnivals so she only saw a small portion. She didn't mention anything obvious in regards to damage. I did read recently a review from someone who went to St. Maarten that the port is good, Maho Beach is excellent & that it wasn't until he did a tour that you could really see how much devastation was there. It seems to be that the cruise ports were all made a priority when doing repairs since tourism is their livelihood.
Most of them, at least the port area and the tourist areas have done a fair recovery job. In many places though if you venture off the beaten path unfortunately the recovery is very slow and not progressed much. Priority on many islands went to recovering and rebuilding the ports and tourist areas as that is where the income comes from to do the repairs to the rest.