Reaching out to past posters

Has anyone ever tried to reach out to people who used to post here? There seems to be a few who were somewhat prolific and knowledgeable, but just disappeared.
just a thought

20 Answers

We still email with Bennett occasionally; I know he has at least one cruise planned for this year. I definitely miss several of our regular participants who’ve faded away over the years. The regulars on are friendlier and more engaged than other cruising boards I’ve visited.

Maybe someday we’ll be able to pull together an official / Ship Mate app member cruise! The "problem" is most of us already have our cruises planned a year or two out! Big Smile

I had taken a break from the Forum. I did check in to do some research on ships and ports but stayed away from the Forum. I was just tired of one user that would argue with anything I said. Would argue a post when they did not read it carefully. So instead of arguing with them I just stayed off the Forum (grandma taught me, "if you argue with somebody smarter then you are and loose you learn something. If you argue with a fool and win, whats the accomplishment?" Life is short.

Any of the people that I have met from here can always reach me on Ship Mate or Text me from when we exchanged numbers for the Unofficial West Coast Pinkie Cruise.

That about sums up my attitude too. I belong to a number of blogs, groups, or whatever you call em, under a variety of NICS. Some for more years than I care to admit, especially on the financial side. You do it long enough in a group, your NIC becomes "known" for lack of a better term, and you recognize other folks as well...but its still cyber...I post when I feel like, or drop out for awhile, then return. I've dropped out of more than one, more or less permanently, my call. If I got an email asking why I haven't posted, I "might" resent it for all of 1-2 seconds, then I'd delete it. no biggie really. but it wouldn't make me want to explain anything I didn't feel like explaining, or make we say "oh jeez, haven't posted there, better do it...." people, in RL, are one thing...cyber is....well....something else.

I miss you! Be sure to give Bonnie and Mike a hello for me. Is JusMe going as well? I know GrandmaJo is.Big Smile

Lurking is ok too. All are welcome in whatever capacity. Glad to have you on board and nice to see you posting every once in a while.

Some of us lurk frequently but for various reasons don’t want to participate anymore.


I’m going on a RCCL cruise with BonMike next month. BonMike is short for Bonnie and Mike. They’re a Canadian couple. We stay in touch. Every few months I’ll swap a text message with AuntPinkie. And that’s about it. Still haven’t heard about what happened to Debbie who was in very poor health last time we swapped emails.


And once again I slip away into cyber space. I’ll most likely post a review after this upcoming RCCL Cruise in the Western Caribbean and my Alaska Cruise in June.

DVCruise is also known as Debbie. She was very active and the got sick and her husband got sick and we never heard what happened after that. Several people have reached out with no reply.

Glo has been known to take some long around the world cruise and could currently be on another. Have not seen her post anything in a while. Hope she is well.

There are also other that have disappeared. I also believe that there may be one or two that have disappeared and come back under another alias.

Someone named Glomarrone used to post often. Where did she go? She suddenly left. Why? Others too

DVCruise is another

you’d think someone in charge would send an e mail inquiring.

Tried to reach Debbie, but all communications have gone unanswered. I am in touch with BonMike and Bennett via email. Haven't seen anything from Gloria for a long time. Who else did you have in mind?

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